A Omnipresent view of spirituality, science, mythology & biology with an Omnipotent dose of reality!
Saturday, September 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Bioluminescent Pineal Gland 3rd Eye Science...
The pineal gland is bioluminescent, it is sensitive to light, and when activated gives off light, hence the halo shown around enlightened beings. Awakening this gland can speed up our learning, improve our memory ability, enhance our intuition, wisdom and creativity, trigger our psychic healing abilities and experience bliss.
The Pineal Gland resonates to the frequency of the B tone, musically. It emits a violet or white color (frequency) and thus is stimulated by these colors or frequencies. Therefore, violet (and purple and indigo) crystals (e.g. Amethyst, Charoite, Dumortierite, Purple Lepidolite, etc.) and clear/translucent crystals (e.g. Opal Aura Quartz, Clear Quartz, Herkimer Quartz, Selenite, etc.) greatly stimulate this gland and help to open it if it is closed.Also, according to scientist Dr Grahame Blackwell, a large number of small crystals have been found in the gland called calcite micro-crystals. They bear a striking resemblance to the calcite crystals in the inner ear, that have been shown to exhibit the qualities of an electric field known as piezoelectricity. If the Pineal Gland [ Penial Gland ] crystals exhibit the same qualities, then this would provide a means whereby an external electromagnetic field might directly influence the brain.
I believe that we are connected to our higher self through the pineal gland which acts as a sort of wireless transmitter, enabling us to be connected to multiple dimensions. I just recently read that the cellular phone companies were devising a way to implant a miniaturized version of a cell phone in a tooth and using the pineal gland as the antenna.
Are we getting a little closer to actual telepathy? Think about those times when you have thought of a friend or loved one and when you called them they said that they were just thinking of you. Perhaps you were thinking of them and your own phone rang and it was them. This is the pineal gland at work sending your thought energy out.
These thoughts sent from the pineal gland know no time or space restraints and can happen instantly anywhere in the world. I have experienced this with my wife on many occasions while I was all the way on the other side of the world.
Saying the word or thinking the word ‘Love’ from the heart activates this gland as well. If you are saying the word out loud use a drawn out pitch until you feel it resonate within your brain. When we say the meditative word AH.. or God, Buhdda, Allah, Jehovah, Krishna, Shiva, Ra etc… we are saying this eternal word that stimulates the pineal and connects us with all that is.
I have mentioned in TIW that love is the opposite of fear. This is true in a dualistic three dimensional world but we are moving out of this awareness and into a higher awareness of only love which has no opposite and is all encompassing and pervasive.
A few activities you can do to clean your pineal gland include the following: do outdoor activities and go barefoot on the earth to ground out accumulated electromagnetic energies from computers and cell phones, eat less sugar, eliminating processed foods and fluoride can help to revitalize and power up your pineal gland.
Fluoride accumulates in the gland causing it to be less effective. Because of this I recommend moving to non-fluoride toothpaste and using a filtration system to remove fluoride from your drinking water if you know your city adds it. Medical science refers to the pineal gland as “the atrophied third eye”. By the age of 12, it has already calcified and hardened and by adulthood, it is dormant and atrophied from lack of use. Recent research reveals that fluoride which is a toxic additive to our water supply and toothpaste accumulates in the pineal gland where it wreaks havoc.
Deep breathing also stimulates and activates the Pineal Gland. So does meditation.
Essential oils are also helpful tools in stimulating and activating the Pineal Gland. Essential oils of Mugwort, Sandalwood, Lavender, Frankincense, Myrrh, Pine, Oakmoss, and Himalayan Cedar all help to stimulate the Pineal Gland. A small drop of oil rubbed directly over the Third Chakra will do the job. Inhaling the oils or burning them in a diffuser will also stimulate and activate this gland.
Herbs also help to stimulate and activate this gland. They include Chamomile, Pine Bark, Lavender bud, Wild Indigo Bark, Violet, Licorice, and Ginseng.
Sacred sex (greatly practiced in Tantric and Taoist cultures) is also a powerful tool to stimulate and activate the Pineal Gland. http://sacred-sex.org/
Recent studies have found that the human pineal gland, in the centre of the brain, has been found to contain large numbers of calcite micro-crystals that “bear a striking resemblance” to calcite crystals found in the inner ear. The ones found in the inner ear have been shown to exhibit the quality of piezoelectricity. Because of this piezoelectric quality your pineal gland is like a cell phone that can send and receive messages by connecting the link between the physical and spiritual worlds and higher frequencies such as your higher self.
Perhaps it is the thurmoluminescent quality of calcite crystals that cause the bio-luminescence of the pineal gland. Thermoluminescence is a property of some minerals to glow when they are heated. The minerals contain chemical bonds that emit light when thermal energy (heat) is applied to them.
The Pineal Gland secretes various hormones, two of which have been identified as Melatonin and Serotonin. Melatonin is secreted between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. and Serotonin between 7 a.m. and 11 p.m. Both are anti-aging in nature and effect, especially Melatonin. Serotonin is a natural anti-depressant. Serotonin is secreted during sunlight hours.
The pineal gland is located near to the center of the brain, between the two hemispheres, tucked in a groove where the two rounded thalamic bodies join. Unlike much of the rest of the brain, the pineal gland is not isolated from the body by the blood-brain barrier system. It is reddish-gray and about the size of a pea (8 mm in humans), located just rostro-dorsal to the superior colliculus and behind and beneath the stria medullaris, between the laterally positioned thalamic bodies. It is part of the epithalamus.
Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by a living organism. Its name is a hybrid word, originating from the Greek bios for "living" and the Latin lumen "light". Bioluminescence is a naturally occurring form of chemiluminescence where energy is released by a chemical reaction in the form of light emission. Fireflies, anglerfish, and other creatures produce the chemicals luciferin (a pigment) and luciferase (an enzyme).[1] The luciferin reacts with oxygen to create light. The luciferase acts as a catalyst to speed up the reaction, which is sometimes mediated by cofactors such as calcium ions or ATP. The chemical reaction can occur either inside or outside the cell. In bacteria, the expression of genes related to bioluminescence is controlled by an operon called the Lux operon.[2]
Monday, August 22, 2011
Friday, August 19, 2011
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Black Diamond Alien Planet Is Darkest Ever Seen

An alien world blacker than coal, the darkest planet known, has been discovered in the galaxy.
The world in question is a giant the size of Jupiter known as TrES-2b. NASA's Kepler spacecraft detected it lurking around the yellow sun-like star GSC 03549-02811 some 750 light years away in the direction of the constellation Draco.
The researchers found this gas giant reflects less than 1 percent of the sunlight falling on it, making it darker than any planet or moon seen up to now. [The Strangest Alien Planets]
"It's just ridiculous how dark this planet is, how alien it is compared to anything we have in our solar system," study lead-author David Kipping, an astronomer at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, told SPACE.com. "It's darker than the blackest lump of coal, than dark acrylic paint you might paint with. It's bizarre how this huge planet became so absorbent of all the light that hits it."
Whereas Jupiter has clouds streaking it white and red, reflecting more than a third of the sunlight reaching it, TrES-2b apparently lacks reflective clouds, super-heated as its atmosphere is to more than 1,800 degrees Fahrenheit (980 degrees Celsius) by a star just 3.1 million miles (5 million kilometers) away from it.
"However, it's not completely pitch black," co-author David Spiegel of Princeton University said in a statement. "It's so hot that it emits a faint red glow, much like a burning ember or the coils on an electric stove."
The researchers propose that light-absorbing chemicals such as vaporized sodium and potassium or gaseous titanium oxide in the planet's atmosphere could help explain why it is so dark. Still, none of these can fully explain why the world is as stealthily cloaked as it is.
"It's a mystery as to what's causing it to be so dark," Kipping said. "There's a good chance it's a chemical we haven't even thought of yet."
The astronomers think TrES-2b is tidally locked like our moon, such that one side of the planet always faces the star. This would lead it to change phases as it orbits its star just as our moon waxes and wanes from new to crescent to full, causing the total brightness of the star plus the planet to vary slightly over time.

"By combining the impressive precision from Kepler with observations of over 50 orbits, we detected the smallest-ever change in brightness from an exoplanet — just 6 parts per million," said Kipping. "In other words, Kepler was able to directly detect visible light coming from the planet itself."
These extremely small fluctuations in light proved that TrES-2b is incredibly dark. A more reflective world would have shown larger brightness variations as its phase changed.
Although TrES-2b currently is the darkest known planet, similar worlds around other stars undoubtedly await discovery, the researchers said. For now, it reinforces the idea that our solar system may not be as typical as we once thought, with an extraordinary variety of worlds potentially filling our galaxy.
Additional investigation of the more than 1,200 prospective worlds that Kepler has detected could turn up other unusually dark planets. The spacecraft, which launched in March 2009, is planned to run until at least November 2012.
"If Kepler gets an extended mission as we're hoping, it would be a huge boost to this kind of research," Kipping said.
Kipping and Spiegel detailed their findings in a study accepted for publication in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Turning light into matter
It sounds like a conjuring trick. You shine a light into a gas, and the light gets swallowed. Then you pump the gas into another container, say the magic words, and the light comes out again.
But this trick, demonstrated by physicist Lene Vestergaard Hau and her co-workers at Harvard University in Cambridge, Massachusetts, doesn't use magic. Instead, the researchers have harnessed the strangeness of quantum mechanics to conduct their vanishing act1.
First, they slow a light pulse — travelling, naturally, at the speed of light — to a crawl by beaming it into an ultracold cloud of about two million sodium atoms. Then they destroy the light beam entirely, but imprint a memory of it in the sodium.
They shunt some of these atoms into a second cloud, and tickle them with another laser beam. This triggers their 'memory' of the original pulse, which emerges, much weaker but otherwise unchanged, from the second cloud.
Hau says that the 'messenger' atoms that move between clouds are basically a 'matter copy' of the original light pulse: a piece of light cast in atoms, you could say.
This process could be used for manipulating information in quantum computers, which would be potentially much more powerful than conventional devices. It might also prove useful in conventional optical telecommunications, for example for storing information held in light beams.
Mexican wave
The experiment relies on the way that, according to quantum mechanics, atoms may behave as waves as well as particles. This enables atoms to do some counterintuitive things, such as passing through two openings at once.
Usually, each atom displays its wavelike behaviour independently of all its neighbours, like a crowd of soccer fans each waving their arms about at random. But if a group of atoms is cooled to very low temperatures — a mere fraction of a degree above absolute zero — then they may all come into step, like the fans conducting a Mexican wave.
In this state, called a Bose-Einstein condensate, information encoded in a light pulse can be transferred to the atom waves. Because all the atoms move coherently, the information doesn't dissolve into random noise and get lost.
Hau and her team have previously shown that a Bose-Einstein condensate — which they make here by cooling sodium atoms to about 600 billionths of a degree (colder than deep space) — can slow down a light beam and even bring it to a standstill.
In this case, the Bose-Einstein condensate slows the light speed to a mere 24 kilometres an hour. This means that a pulse lasting less than a millionth of a second, which normally travels about a kilometre in that time, covers only about 20 micrometres (thousandths of a millimetre) in the sodium gas. So one of these pulses fits comfortably inside the cloud, Hau says.
Spreading the news
A second 'control' laser then writes the shape of the pulse into the atom waves. When this control beam is turned off and the light pulse disappears, the 'matter copy' remains.
At the same time, the light's momentum is transferred to the atoms, so they move out of the Bose-Einstein condensate cloud to a second, similar cloud that the researchers hold suspended in a magnetic trapping field less than a millimetre away.
By turning the control beam on this second cloud, the added atoms are encouraged to spread their 'message' throughout the whole cloud. All the atoms come into step with each other again, giving this second cloud a memory of the original laser pulse. They then re-radiate this pulse, albeit with only about one-fiftieth as much of the original light energy. The pulse crawls through the second cloud and speeds up once it leaves.
The end result is rather like telling a story to a crowd of people, some of who move off to another crowd and spread the story there.
Making 'matter copies' of light could be valuable in optical communications, Hau adds. "Matter is much easier to manipulate than light. For example, we could grab these copies and store them on the shelf." Alternatively, matter copies of light pulses arriving at an overworked hub could be put into a holding pattern, like aircraft at a busy airport.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Friday, June 3, 2011
Saturday, April 30, 2011
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
The frequency of the human body
I don't want to ask this question in a New Age metaphysical type of way so please don't interpret it as such. What frequency does the human body run at?
Does this question make sense or is it too broad?
I will try to fire off a frew seperate examples of what I mean so that the question is more answerable.
1) Human Brain - neuroscientists find a range of a few Hz to 20 plus Hz. We've all heard the terms Alpha waves, Beta waves, Delta waves and Theta waves to describe the different brain states. What is this measurement of exactly, in a physical sense?
2) Membrane Potentials - we all know they govern tons of biological transport systems, like the classic ion channels where ions of CL-, Na+, K+ pass through membrane channels that have voltage potentials. Does it make sense to ask what frequency these work at?
3) Heart Beat - Clearly this can be measured in Hz. If your heart beats 120 bpm, its beating at 2Hz.
4) Your skin - Human's are constantly radiates thermal radiation off their skin's surface, I'm guessing a frequency of ~1000Hz.
5) Vision - The human brain processes visual images at ~60Hz in brightly lit conditions.
So those examples are a few that I could think of off hand. Personally, of the 5 I'd choose Vision as the best fit for an answer when someone asks what frequency the human body runs at. It bothers me that so many unchecked people use 'frequency' to describe mystical things, in a sort of intellectual cop out. Ok, rant over, but seriously is there a better measure of the human body's frequency than vision?
More Here
Does this question make sense or is it too broad?
I will try to fire off a frew seperate examples of what I mean so that the question is more answerable.
1) Human Brain - neuroscientists find a range of a few Hz to 20 plus Hz. We've all heard the terms Alpha waves, Beta waves, Delta waves and Theta waves to describe the different brain states. What is this measurement of exactly, in a physical sense?
2) Membrane Potentials - we all know they govern tons of biological transport systems, like the classic ion channels where ions of CL-, Na+, K+ pass through membrane channels that have voltage potentials. Does it make sense to ask what frequency these work at?
3) Heart Beat - Clearly this can be measured in Hz. If your heart beats 120 bpm, its beating at 2Hz.
4) Your skin - Human's are constantly radiates thermal radiation off their skin's surface, I'm guessing a frequency of ~1000Hz.
5) Vision - The human brain processes visual images at ~60Hz in brightly lit conditions.
So those examples are a few that I could think of off hand. Personally, of the 5 I'd choose Vision as the best fit for an answer when someone asks what frequency the human body runs at. It bothers me that so many unchecked people use 'frequency' to describe mystical things, in a sort of intellectual cop out. Ok, rant over, but seriously is there a better measure of the human body's frequency than vision?
More Here
Friday, April 15, 2011
Wednesday, March 30, 2011
Monday, March 28, 2011
How to help the Japanese nuclear crises!
Plutonium and Uranium causes these types of oceanic eruptions. Direct the toxins back to were you mined it from, the Earth! Sending it back to it's volcanic origin will rehydrate the toxins back to a balanced PH level. It has to be an underwater erupting geyser because it creates enough pressure and heat to stabilize the atoms.
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Saturday, March 12, 2011
Destruction of Afghan Buddhas of Bamiyan By The Taliban
The Buddhas of Bamiyan (Persian: بت های باميان – but hay-e bamiyan) were two 6th century[1] monumental statues of standing buddhas carved into the side of a cliff in the Bamyan valley in the Hazarajat region of central Afghanistan, situated 230 km (143 miles) northwest of Kabul at an altitude of 2,500 meters (8,202 ft). Built in 507 CE, the larger in 554 CE,[1] the statues represented the classic blended style of Gandhara art.[2]
The main bodies were hewn directly from the sandstone cliffs, but details were modeled in mud mixed with straw, coated with stucco. This coating, practically all of which was worn away long ago, was painted to enhance the expressions of the faces, hands and folds of the robes; the larger one was painted carmine red and the smaller one was painted multiple colors.[3]
The lower parts of the statues' arms were constructed from the same mud-straw mix while supported on wooden armatures. It is believed that the upper parts of their faces were made from great wooden masks or casts. The rows of holes that can be seen in photographs were spaces that held wooden pegs which served to stabilize the outer stucco.
They were intentionally dynamited and destroyed in 2001 by the Taliban, on orders from leader Mullah Mohammed Omar,[4] after the Taliban government declared that they were "idols".[5] International opinion strongly condemned the destruction of the Buddhas, which was viewed as an example of the intolerance of the Taliban. Japan and Switzerland, among others, have pledged support for the rebuilding of the statues.[6]
UNITED NATIONS, Mar 11, 2011 (IPS) - Afghanistan's historic Bamiyan Buddhas, destroyed by the Taliban 10 years ago, will not be reconstructed despite claims the 1,500-year-old statues could be repaired, the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) said Thursday.
The decision follows a two-day meeting of scientists, Afghan officials and donors in Paris last week.
While the expert panel was split on the possibility of reconstruction, UNESCO has told the Afghan government it does not support a rebuild project, citing concerns over funding priorities and authenticity.
Replicating the colossal monuments, which once stood 55 and 38 metres tall, could cost between eight and 12 million dollars. However, less than half of the original stone used to build the statues remains.
"We think any reconstruction will essentially be a fake because of lack of original material," UNESCO's assistant director-general for culture, Francesco Bandarin, told reporters at a special conference in New York.
"We have to think of the public, and they don't need to see a fake, they need to see the reality. And these statues have been destroyed. As much as we mourn that they have been destroyed it's an historical fact," he added.
The Bamiyan Buddhas, dating from the sixth century, were bombed in 2001 as part of the Taliban's campaign to rid Afghanistan of pre-Islamic structures.
While much of the statues was reduced to dust, a group of German scientists, led by Professor Erwin Emmerling of the University of Munich, has said the smaller of the two could be restored.
The scientists have spent years studying the Buddhas, by analysing the hundreds of exploded fragments currently stacked in warehouses in the Bamiyan Valley.
According to Emmerling, a reconstruction project could be feasible using the original stone, but there would be practical considerations. Either a small factory would have to be built in the valley, or the 1,400 rocks weighing up to two tonnes each would need to be transported to Germany.
The scientists' proposals, however, have not been accepted by Afghan President Hamid Karzai and his government, which has indicated it will not go ahead with restoration.
The decision has drawn strong criticism from Afghanistan's Hazara community, a minority ethnic group that claims a long association with the Bamiyan Valley and views the Buddha statues as a source of pride.
The international advocacy organisation Hazara People said the consensus to not rebuild was "shameful".
The group believes the decision is politically influenced and reflects the continued discrimination aganst Hazara peoples in Afghanistan.
"We are not surprised the Afghan government does not want to rebuild the Bamiyan Buddhas," a spokesperson, who did not want to be named, told IPS. "Bamiyan Buddhas are great proof that say Hazara people have been living in that area for thousands of years."
Hazaras have long faced violence in Afghanistan, suffering genocide, slavery, and forced displacement under a series of governments including the Taliban.
And while the ethnic group is predominately Muslim, their East Asian appearance bears a resemblance to monuments such as the Bamiyan Buddhas.
"Afghan regimes have had this policy to destroy all historic symbols of Hazaras," the spokesperson continued. "The (19th century) Afghan/Pashtun king Abdurrahman has destroyed the face of Buddha in Bamiyan. It was very simple, he didn't want Buddha's face like Hazara's face."
The group rejected the argument that there was a lack of funding for restoration, pointing to the Karzai government's recent willingness to financially support the reconstruction of Pashtun poet Rahman Baba's bombed shrine in Pakistan.
"But the same government didn't pay one dollar for the Bamiyan Buddhas," the spokesperson told IPS.
"The expenses of a few projects in Bamiyan have been covered by some international donors. Furthermore, eight to 12 million dollars is nothing compared to billions of dollars in aid to Afghanistan…eight to 12 million dollars is nothing compared to a million dollars corruption by Afghan senior officials."
While acknowledging there was desire to see the Buddhas rebuilt, UNESCO believes priority should now be placed on preserving the wider Bamiyan Valley, a World Heritage-listed site containing treasured Buddhist art and monastic caves dating to the first century.
The organisation, which has already conducted extensive consolidation of the ancient niches where the statues once stood, has called for construction of a central museum in Bamiyan, in addition to smaller site museums within the area.
"The priority now is creating the capacity to conserve what is there and ensuring the security of the site, in order to have it open for tourism," Bandarin said.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Thursday, March 3, 2011
Red Bird Phoenix Cardinal

His keynote is renewed vitality through recognizing one’s personal power. The cardinal’s cycle of power is year-around. Balancing the feminine energy linked to intuition with the male energy associated with perseverance and strength are necessary to attain personal power in order to manifest people’s dreams and goals. The cardinal offers safe passage into the realm of personal power for those who ask for his help. He represents passion, vibrancy and warmth.
Read more at Suite101: Cardinal Pagan Bird Symbol of Renewed Vitality: Winged Power Animal’s Lessons Include Having Pride in Oneself
The cardinal’s bright red feathers represent blood, the life force, called kundalini by Yoga practitioners. It’s in the root chakra located at the base of the spine. This chakra is related to survival, a person’s identity as an individual, health and security. The kundalini lies dormant until it’s activated by meditation or happens spontaneously.
Read more at Suite101: Cardinal Pagan Bird Symbol of Renewed Vitality: Winged Power Animal’s Lessons Include Having Pride in Oneself.
Lessons Cardinal Teaches
He teaches people that balancing spiritual ideals with physical needs and pleasures is important for all levels of harmony in life. Another lesson is helping people learn to express truth clearly and confidently.
The cardinal reminds people that diet is very important for physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual well being. He reminds people to maintain a sense of pride and to walk with confidence, nobility and grace.
Ojibwa Cardinal Legend
The tribe called the cardinal "Redbird." A long time ago, Raccoon passed by Wolf on a path. As was his habit, he insulted Wolf and Wolf began to chase him. Raccoon ran to hide on a tree limb was over a creek. Although exhausted from a day’s running, Wolf pursued him. Wolf stopped to drink from the creek and saw Raccoon’s reflection in the water. He dove into the water, realized the illusion and almost drowned before he reached shore. Wolf quickly fell asleep, drained from his ordeal. Raccoon saw this, slid down from the tree and plastered Wolf’s eyes shut with clay from the creek’s bottom.
Wolf awoke and struggled to remove the clay. He howled and whined in frustration. An unattractive brown bird heard Wolf's cries went to see if he could help. Wolf told him what had happened. The bird pecked and finally removed the clay. Wolf was so grateful that he asked the bird what he could do to repay him. The bird said it wasn’t necessary. Then, Wolf had an idea. He took the bird to a place where the red rock was. He painted the bird red and said he was “Red Bird” and that his children would be born with beautiful crimson plumage. And, so the boy children bear vibrant red feathers.
Read more at Suite101: Cardinal Pagan Bird Symbol of Renewed Vitality: Winged Power Animal’s Lessons Include Having Pride in Oneself
Read more at Suite101: Cardinal Bird Symbol of Renewed Vitality: Winged Power Animal’s Lessons Include Having Pride in Oneself

Red Bird, Big Bird, Suzaku, Phoenix
Jump to Main Phoenix Page for More Details
Chinese = Zhū Qiǎo 朱雀 or Zhū Niǎo 朱鳥
Korean = Chujak 주작
Japanese = Suzaku, Sujaku, Shujaku 朱雀
Japanese = Shuchō 朱鳥 or Suchō, Akamitori, Akamidori; aka the Vermillion Bird. Shuchō was also a Japanese era name for a few months between 686 and 687 AD.
In Japan, the term “Suzaku” is translated as “Red Bird” or “Vermillion Chinese Phoenix.” In both Japan and China, the symbolism of the red bird seems nearly identical to or merged with that of the mythological Phoenix. At this site, I consider the Suzaku and the Phoenix to be the same magical creature, although I am not certain if this is entirely true. Scholar Derek Walters (see resources) says the Phoenix was supplanted (replaced) by the Red Bird, for the Red Bird more accurately reflected the astronomical iconography associated with the southern lunar mansions.
Corresponds to summer, red, fire, and knowledge; makes small seeds grow into giant trees (need to give source). Often paired with the dragon, for the two represent both conflict and wedded bliss; dragon (emperor) and phoenix (empress). Portrayed with radiant feathers, and an enchanting song; only appears in times of good fortune. Within the ancient Imperial Palace in Japan, there was a gate known as Suzakumon 朱雀門 (Red Bird Gate). See JAANUS for a few more details on this gate.
Modern cartoon of the Ho-oo, the Japanese PhoenixSuzaku’s seven seishuku (constellations) are:
2. Tamahome Boshi (Chn. = Kuei 鬼)
3. Nuriko Boshi (Chn. = Liu 柳)
4. Hotohori Boshi (Chn. = Hsing 星)
5. Chiriko Boshi (Chn. = Chang 張)
6. Tasuki Boshi (Chn. = Yi 翼)
7. Mitsukake Boshi (Chn. = Chen 軫)
* Learn more about the Red Bird’s seven constellations (this site).
* See star charts for the Red Bird at this outside link.
Red Bird, discovered in tomb near Nara in early 1970s
The Red Bird of the South (Suzaku)
Found on tomb wall at Kitora Kofun
Photo courtesy Research Institute for Cultural Properties, Nara
Archaeological dating places its construction to the
Asuka period (7th to early 8th centuries)
Native American Plains' tribes attributed the return of the sun (inception of spring) with the red robin too. Indeed, many Native American beliefs attributed solar symbolic meaning to the red robin because its rosy red chest is symbolic of the dawning sun. Also, its bright yellow beak is symbolic of sun rays lighting the earth with hope. Omaha tribes believed the sun rose and set on the wings of the robin.
The robin's bright yellow beak is also symbolic of sun rays to the Native American. Native Americans attributed their beak color with being mindful of the spoken word. The robin was a sign to only present the highest truth when speaking.
Further, Iroquois and Shoshone tribe lore indicated the white ring around the red robin's eye was symbolic of prophetic vision, clarity, and great wisdom. The robin would be called upon during ceremonies when clear understanding was needed, and quality judgments needed to be made.
The robin brings a fresh new perspective to situations that are otherwise foggy and unclear. Try calling on robin energy for clarity when your judgement is clouded or when you need light shed on an issue.
The red robin reminds us it's time to shake the sleepiness out of our head (both figuratively and literally), get alert, get moving, and start enjoying life! Spring has sprung, tides have turned, and no matter how crummy or grey our world has been it is time for new beginnings! Enjoy the bright road ahead because it's only going to get brighter!
Not only is the robin a promise of new beginnings with the new cycle of spring in our midst, it carries symbolic meanings of cheer, joviality and light-heartedness. We can see this in the spring of the robin's step, and it reminds us of that wonderful song I quoted in the intro of this post. The song also hails the message: "Live, love, laugh and be happy" and that is precisely what the symbolic meaning of the red robin tells us too.
I hope you have enjoyed this page on the animal symbolism of the red robin.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Monday, February 28, 2011
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Pys-Fi Wizdom (Soul Fire Science) part 2
Greeting, peace and evolution. This particular Universe was created by free energy particles (Atums) moving at tremendous speeds but never actually touching each other until the big bang occurred creating hydrogen which lead to everything else here in our Earth. Any other previous Universe had to be created by the same method but with different particles. (In my opinion)
Now let's define it A-tune Atum, Atom. A tune is a frequency (hint the sound "free") which is in it's own space in time (like in an state of nothingness, unmovable) vibrating a whatever speed it declares peaceful. Now t...his particle has a mental capacity so when it collides with another it spills out its thoughts or energy (Inner G) into existence. Now G is overstood for(God) which translates into nucleus (the center brain root of the particle) now you ask were did all of this come from? Our Ancient ancestors! We are just fractions yearning to overstand the Black-Whole in which we live in.
Enlightening huh? The great thing about all this iz that we are those particles!! Peace in your hood, remember everything "Iz" relevant, inner-G, inner-chi and inner-qi can never be destroyed it just change forms.
Now let's define it A-tune Atum, Atom. A tune is a frequency (hint the sound "free") which is in it's own space in time (like in an state of nothingness, unmovable) vibrating a whatever speed it declares peaceful. Now t...his particle has a mental capacity so when it collides with another it spills out its thoughts or energy (Inner G) into existence. Now G is overstood for(God) which translates into nucleus (the center brain root of the particle) now you ask were did all of this come from? Our Ancient ancestors! We are just fractions yearning to overstand the Black-Whole in which we live in.
Enlightening huh? The great thing about all this iz that we are those particles!! Peace in your hood, remember everything "Iz" relevant, inner-G, inner-chi and inner-qi can never be destroyed it just change forms.
Saturday, February 5, 2011
Friday, February 4, 2011
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Pys-Fi Wizdom (Soul Fire Science)
Study Centropy (electrification of matter... evolving) and
Entropy (de-electrification of matter ...devolving)
Melanin = Anti-light
> Dna electrifies Melanin in to a Light-body which
Dna= Light matter Iz powered by the Omniverse which expands
the conscious energy to a galactic (or more)
spiral which makes all particles interconnected.
In relation to... All particles live and die at different degree levels with high rates of speed, creating shapes, images, and sound vibration. Once this Iz mastered one can travel infinity directions at will.
Iz> pi infinity
Entropy (de-electrification of matter ...devolving)
Melanin = Anti-light
> Dna electrifies Melanin in to a Light-body which
Dna= Light matter Iz powered by the Omniverse which expands
the conscious energy to a galactic (or more)
spiral which makes all particles interconnected.
In relation to... All particles live and die at different degree levels with high rates of speed, creating shapes, images, and sound vibration. Once this Iz mastered one can travel infinity directions at will.
Iz> pi infinity
Sunday, January 9, 2011
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