A Omnipresent view of spirituality, science, mythology & biology with an Omnipotent dose of reality!
Thursday, December 27, 2012
Wednesday, December 26, 2012
Tuesday, December 25, 2012
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Tomb of Mayan Astronaut (Lord Pakal Ahau) Discovered Under Pyramids In Palenque Mexico
Monday, December 10, 2012
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
Planets Align With Giza Pyramids For The 1st Time in 2,737 Years!!
December 3rd, 2012
Planetary alignment that will take place Dec 3, 2012 is dead-on alignment with the Pyramids at Giza. Night Sky in Giza, Egypt on December 3, 2012, local time … one hour before sunrise compared with the Pyramids at Giza.
Planets inline: Mercury / Venus / Saturn

Monday, December 3, 2012

Monday, November 26, 2012
Wealth Through your Profession Mantra
Thursday, November 22, 2012
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Monday, October 8, 2012
Dr Phil Valentine:The Entering of a New Galaxy &Solar System
Listen to internet radio with BeverlyD on Blog Talk Radio
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
NASA Captures A ‘Mind-Bogglingly Gorgeous’ Solar Flare!
A new video from NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory is a breathtaking reminder of the wonders of space. The video captures a “massive filament” eruption on the sun that occurred last Friday. As Britain’s The Register so eloquently put it, it is “mind-bogglingly gorgeous.”The eruption stretched out a “half million miles into space,” The Register adds, and, according to NASA, the coronal mass ejection, or CME, traveled at over 900 miles per second. Fortunately, the sun is about 93 million miles from us and, NASA adds, the eruption “did not travel directly toward Earth.”
The solar eruption wasn’t just beautiful from space. The explosion sent a wave of solar plasma toward the Earth where it reacted with our planet’s magnetic environment, or magnetosphere, creating an equally beautiful aurora over parts of the Northern Hemisphere last night.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory captured a solar eruption on Monday and it's beautiful.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Monday, August 27, 2012
Everything is light.Killing cancer with light frequency.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
Conscious Hologram
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Monday, July 16, 2012
Wednesday, July 4, 2012
The REAL "GOD Partical "The "ANU"
Below is evidence that:
1. The Anu is the smallest unit of matter.
2. The Anu builds atoms, molecules and chemical units.
3. Anu is the root of Anu.nnaki, Anubis, etc.
4. Adm and Adam is synonymous with Atom.
5. Anu are multiple units within atoms and is the atoms creator.
From a conversation between Sylvester H. Christie and Professor Kaku
"Adam, synonymous with Atom, is an individual singularity decoupled from and a mote in the creative impulse of this planet.
Anu (Chaldean) Supreme god of the Babylonian pantheon, king of angels and spirits, ruler of destiny, lord of the city of Erech or Uruk -- later Ur. One of the loftiest of Babylonian divinities, part of a trinity with Enlil and Ea, he was especially the god of heaven, creator of star spirits and of the demons of cold, rain, and darkness. His consort Antum or Anatum was mother of the gods. Anu was the concealed deity; in the Chaldean account of Genesis, he is the passive deity, however, "the primordial chaos, the god time and world at once, chronos, and kosmos, the uncreated matter issued from the one and fundamental principle of all things" (IU 2:423). In later Babylonian history, one of the trinity Anu, Bel, and Ea, associated with the three divisions of the universe: heaven, earth, and the spatial or watery deep. In another aspect, Anu is identical with Sin (the moon). "And the Moon in the Hebrew Kabala is the Argha of the seed of all material life, and is still more closely connected, kabalistically, with Jehovah, who is double-sexed as Anu is. They are both represented in Esotericism and viewed from a dual aspect: male or spiritual, female or material, or Spirit and Matter, the two antagonistic principles" (SD 2:62). In the astrological theology of Babylonia and Assyria, Anu, Bel, and Ea became the northern, middle, and southern zones of the ecliptic respectively. There seems little doubt that the Chaldean Anu and the Sanskrit Anu (atom) are identic in origin. Anu is a title of the formative Brahma who philosophically is often envisaged as the cosmic atom or infinite universe. The mystical significance is the ever-invisible, unreachable divine center -- whether of a being or universe -- which is the divine-spiritual focus of essential consciousness, from which flow forth all the streams of consciousness in its multiform varieties. Anu (Sanskrit) As a noun, an atom of matter; as an adjective, atomic, fine, minute. A title of Brahma, conceived as both infinitesimal and universal, thus pointing to the pantheistic character of divinity. Hence, every Anu is "a centre of potential vitality, with latent intelligence in it" (SD 1:567; cf FSO 273-5, 431). In the Bhagavad-Gita (8:9) Arjuna is enjoined to meditate on the "seer," i.e., the enlightened, omniscient One, who is "more atomic than the atom" (anor aniyamsam) and yet "the supporter of all" (cf VP 1:2, 5:1; ChU 3:14, 3-4, Katha 2:20, MU 3:1, 7). In Jainism the soul is represented as being like an Anu, atomic in size, and seated within the heart, while the jiva (life-monad) is the quickening element that pervades the whole. Besides meaning a particle of substance, Anu also means an atom of time, being equivalent to the 54,675,000th part of a muhurta (48 minutes). Anubis (Greek) Anpu (Egyptian) The Egyptian jackal-headed deity, lord of the Silent Land of the West (the underworld). To him with Thoth was entrusted the psychopompic leading of the dead. In the judgment after death, Anubis tests the balance in the scene of the weighing of the heart. His offices were likewise those of the embalmer, mystically speaking. Originally the god of the underworld, he was later replaced by Osiris. In Heliopolis during the later dynasties he was identified with Horus, for he was often regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis -- more often of Osiris and Nephthys (Neith). Plutarch writes: "By Anubis they understand the horizontal circle, which divides the invisible part of the world, which they call Nephthys, from the visible, to which they give the name of Isis; and as this circle equally touches upon the confines of both light and darkness, it may be looked upon as common to them both . . . Others again are of opinion that by Anubis is meant Time . . . " (On Isis and Osiris, sec 44). The mysteries of Osiris and Isis were revived in Rome, and Apuleius (2nd century) in The Golden Ass tells of the Procession of Isis, in which the dual aspect of Anubis was portrayed: "that messenger between heaven and hell displaying alternately a face black as night, and golden as the day; in his left the caduceus, in his right waving aloft the green palm branch" (Gods of the Egyptians, Budge 2:264-5). In most of his attributes, Anubis is a lunar power, Plutarch connecting him with the Grecian Hecate, one of the names for the moon; and this is further emphasized by his being a guide of the dead. Also identified with Hermes as psychopomp. See also HermAnubis Anugita (Sanskrit) [from Anu after, alongside + gita sung, chanted, song from the verbal root gai to sing, intone] After-song; chapters 16-92 of the Asvamedhika-parvan, 14th book of the Mahabharata that deals with the asvamedha (horse sacrifice) conducted by Yudhishthira, a rite that stems from the Vedic period. Like the Bhagavad-Gita, the Anugita is a discourse between Krishna and Arjuna, an "after-song" in which Krishna gives a fuller unfolding of teaching with many mystical allusions. Anugraha, Anugrahana (Sanskrit) [from Anu-grah to support, uphold, foster, treat kindly] Favor, kindness, promoting or favoring a good object. In the Vishnu-Purana (1:5) applied to the eighth creation (in the Matsya and other Puranas to the fifth creation), the period of formative development "which possesses both the qualities of goodness and darkness." In Sankhya philosophy Anugraha-sarga is the creation or formation of "the feelings or mental conditions." Blavatsky calls the Anugraha creation a blind, "for it refers to a purely mental process: the cognition of the 'ninth' creation, which, in its turn, is an effect, manifesting in the secondary of that which was a 'Creation' in the Primary (Prakrita) Creation. The Eighth, then, called Anugraha (the Pratyayasarga or the intellectual creation of the Sankhyas . . .), is 'that creation of which we have a perception' -- in its esoteric aspect -- and 'to which we give intellectual assent (Anugraha) in contradistinction to organic creation.' It is the correct perception of our relations to the whole range of 'gods' and especially of those we bear to the Kumaras -- the so-called 'Ninth Creation' -- which is in reality an aspect of or reflection of the sixth in our manvantara (the Vaivasvata)" (SD 1:456). All theses various "creations" mentioned in the Puranas represent stages of evolutionary production, following each other in regular serial order, and thus unfolding into manifestation what lay originally latent in the seed out of which these various stages arise. Thus the reference in the Vishnu-Purana, for example, by analogical reasoning can apply either to a universe, solar system, planetary chain, or to the developmental history of earth and its inhabitants. Anukis [Greek from Egyptian Anqet from anq to surround, embrace] Third of the triad of deities of Elephantine, consisting of Khnemu, Sati, and Anqet or Anukis. Her worship was common in northern Nubia, but later centered at Sahal, where her principal temple was situated. At Philae she was identified with Nephthys or Neith, it being common to regard Khnemu as a form of Osiris: hence Sati and Anqet became associated with Isis and Nephthys. However, Anqet is also represented with the disk and horned headdress of Isis and is called the lady of heaven, mistress of all the gods; giver of life and of all power, and of all health and joy of heart. The goddess is also associated with the embracing waters of the Nile, though the root itself shows that she is the embracing and all-surrounding cosmic life as well as it minor functions in manifestation. The ascriptions given to Anukis as the giver of life and of all power associate the goddess with the moon, whether in the cosmogonical or lower generative sense.
Anuma. See AnuMANA
Anumana (Sanskrit) [from Anu-ma to infer, conclude, conjecture] An inference, conclusion, or deduction from given premises. In the Sankya yoga the second of the three pramanas (proofs or modes of cognition) by which perception or knowledge is sought. The Nyaya system recognizes four sources of accurate knowledge, of which Anumana (inference) is also the second. Anuma and Anumiti are virtually synonymous.
Anumati (Sanskrit) [from Anu-man to approve, grant] Assent, permission, approbation; personified frequently as a goddess. The fifteenth day of the moon's age "when one digit is deficient" (VP 2:8), a time said to be propitious for the offering of oblations to devas and pitris.
It is therefore the moon at full: "when from a god -- Soma -- she becomes a goddess" (TG 25). Mythologically the first fortnight of the moon or waxing period is often regarded as being masculine, and its second fortnight or waning period as feminine. The moon in some cultures is looked upon as masculine, in others as feminine. In Latin the moon was both lunus (masculine) and luna (feminine), but in most other languages the moon is almost consistently either masculine or feminine.
Anumiti. See AnuMANA
Anunit (Chaldean) One of the popular nature goddesses of the early Babylonian peoples, who in one aspect is called Ishtar. Her worship was prominent at Sippar in the later Babylonian period. A sanctuary was erected in her honor by Sargon of Akkad at Babylon (3800 BC). Blavatsky held that Anunit was the planet Venus as the morning star, whereas the same planet as the evening star was Ishtar of Erech.
Anunnaki (Chaldean) In Babylonian mythology, a hierarchy of lower angels: the angels of earth or the underworld, star gods who had sunk below the horizon and become judges of the dead. Below the Anunnaki were several classes of genii -- sadu, vadukku, ekimu, gallu -- some of which were represented as being good, some evil. The Anunnaki are "terrestrial Elementals also" (TG 25).
In Sumerian mythology, the children and followers of An, judges of the dead.
Anupadaka, Anupapadaka. See Aupapaduka Aupapaduka (Sanskrit) Pali opapatika. Self-produced, spontaneously generated (research shows that Anupapadaka, as found in Monier-Williams' Sanskrit-English Dictionary, is a misreading of aupapaduka. Cf. Franklin Edgerton, Buddhist Hybrid Sanskrit Grammar and Dictionary, Yale University Press, New Haven, 1953, 2:162). One who does not go or come (as others do): parentless, having no material parent. One who is self-born by reason of his own intrinsic energy, without parents or predecessors from which his existence or activities are derived, as is the usual case in line descent; applied therefore to certain self-evolving gods. In Buddhism, used with particular reference to the dhyani-buddhas, who issue forth from adi-buddha without intermediary agency.
"The term Anupadaka, 'parentless,' or without progenitors, is a mystical designation having several meanings in the philosophy. By this name celestial beings, the Dhyan-Chohans or Dhyani-Buddhas, are generally meant. But as these correspond mystically to the human Buddhas and Bodhisattwas, known as the 'MAnushi (or human) Buddhas,' the latter are also designated 'Anupadaka,' once that their whole personality is merged in their compound sixth and seventh principles -- or Atma-Buddhi, and that they have become the 'diamond-souled' (Vajra-sattvas), the full Mahatmas. . . . The mystery in the hierarchy of the Anupadaka is great, its apex being the universal Spirit-Soul, and the lower rung the MAnushi-Buddha; and even every Soul-endowed man is an Anupadaka in a latent state. Hence, when speaking of the Universe in its formless, eternal, or absolute condition, before it was fashioned by the 'Builders' -- the expression, 'the Universe was Anupadaka' " (SD 1:52).
Indeed, not only are there aupapaduka divinities of the solar system, but also of every organic entity, because the core of any such entity is aupapaduka -- a mystical way of stating the doctrine of the inner god (cf OG 5-6; also FSO 487-91, 532).
Anupapadaka-bhuta. See Aupapaduka-bhuta Aupapaduka-bhuta (Sanskrit) [from aupapaduka self-producing + bhuta element from the verbal root bhu to be, become] The self-generated element; the second in the descending scale of the seven cosmic bhutas or elements. An analog of the Second or Unmanifest Logos.
Anupapadaka-tattva. See Aupapaduka-tattva Aupapaduka-tattva (Sanskrit) [from aupapaduka self-producing + tattva thatness, reality from tad that] Self-born or parentless principle; second in the descending scale of seven cosmic tattvas, of which five only are enumerated in the philosophical schools of India. Aupapaduka has the mystical meaning of that which comes into being, whether in the cosmos or human being, out of its inherent energy and not as the offspring or child of a predecessor. Aupapaduka-tattva corresponds to the Second or Unmanifest Logos.
Anuttara, Anuttaras (Sanskrit) [from an not + uttara comparative of ud up] Nonsuperior; unrivaled, unexcelled, chief, principal; secondarily inferior, base, low. Often used adjectivally in compounds:
Anuttara-bodhi (unexcelled intelligence or wisdom),
Anuttara-dharma (unexcelled law, truth, religion). In Buddhism Anuttara-tantra, one of the four classes of tantric treatises, expounds the yogic procedures for the acquisition of the highest truth.
Anuttaras (masculine plural) is a class of deities among the Jains.
Anuttara-samyak-sambodhi (Sanskrit) The unsurpassingly merciful and enlightened heart; applied to jivanmuktas or liberated, perfected beings collectively, who then may "pass through all the six worlds of Being (Rupaloka) and get into the first three worlds of Arupa" {BCW 14:409}.
Occult Chemistry Introduction
The unit of matter. It was noted in 1895 that Hydrogen, the lightest atom, was not a unity, but was composed of 18 smaller units. Each such unit was then called an " ultimate physical atom ". Some thirty years later it seemed simpler to use the Sanskrit term for this ultimate particle of matter; the word is "Anu," pronounced as in Italian, or in English as " "ahnoo." The word Anu does not add "s " to make the plural but remains unchanged. The investigators knew no way of measuring the size of an Anu. The only difference found was that the Anu existed in two varieties, positive and negative, and that in their formation the spirals wound themselves in opposite directions. Thus, each negative Anu was a looking-glass image of the positive Anu. There was no investigation made as to the nature of positive and negative.
AN article. bearing the title Occult Chemistry, appeared in Lucifer, 1895, and was reprinted as a separate pamphlet in 1905.
First mention of the Anu:
"The method by which these four etheric substates were studied consisted in taking what is called by chemists an atom of an element and breaking it up, time after time, until what proved to be the ultimate physical unit was reached.
The first chemical atom selected for examination was an atom of Hydrogen (H). On looking carefully at it, it was seen to consist of six small bodies, contained in an egg-like form, Fig. 1. It rotated with great rapidity on it own axis, vibrating at the same time; the internal bodies performing similar gyrations. The whole atom spins and quivers and has to be steadied before exact observation is possible. The six little bodies are arranged in two sets of three, forming two triangles that are not interchangeable. The lines in the diagram of the atom on the gaseous sub-plane, Fig. 1. are not lines of force, but show the two triangles; on a plane surface the interpenetration of the triangles cannot be clearly indicated. The six bodies are not all alike; they each contain three smaller bodies--each of these being an ultimate physical atom or Anu. In two of them the three Anu are arranged in a line, while in the remaining four they are arranged in a triangle.
As we have seen, a chemical atom may be dissociated into less complicated bodies; these, again, into still less complicated; these, again, into yet still less complicated. After the third dissociation but one more is possible; the fourth dissociation gives the ultimate physical atom on the atomic sub-plane, the Anu. This may vanish from the plane. but it can undergo no further dissociation on it. In this ultimate state of physical matter two types of units, or Anu, have been observed; they are alike in everything save the direction of their whorls and of the force which pours through them. In the one case force pours in from the "outside," from fourth-dimensional space, the Astral plane, and passing through the Anu, pours into the physical world. In the second, it pours in from the physical world, and out through the Anu into the "outside" again, i.e., vanishes from the physical world. The one is like a spring, from which water bubbles out; the other is like a hole, into which water disappears. We call the Anu from which force comes out positive or male; those through which it disappears, negative or female. All Anu, so far observed are from one or other of these two forms. Fig. 3.
FIG. 3. THE Anu
It will be seen that the Anu is a sphere, slightly flattened, and there is a depression at the point where the force flows in, causing a heart-like form. Each is surrounded by a field.
The Anu can scarcely be said to be a "thing," though it is the material out of which all things physical are composed. It is formed by the flow of the life-force and vanishes with its ebb. The life-force is known to Theosophists as Fohat, the force of which all the physical plane forces are differentiations. When this force arises in "space," that is when Fohat "digs holes in space,"--the apparent void which must be filled with substance of some kind, of inconceivable tenuity--Anu appear; if this be artificially stopped for a single Anu, the Anu disappears: there is nothing left. Presumably, were
that flow checked but for an instant, the whole physical world would vanish as a cloud melts away in the empyrean. It is only the persistence of that flow (the first life-wave, the work of the third Logos) which maintains the physical basis of the universe.
In order to examine the construction of the Anu, a space is artificially made. (By a certain action of the will known to students, it is possible to make such a space by pressing back and walling off the matter of space.) Then, if an opening be made in the wall thus constructed, the surrounding force flows in, and three whorls immediately appear surrounding the "hole" with their triple spiral of two and a half coils, and returning to their origin by a spiral within the Anu; these are at once followed by seven finer whorls, which, following the spiral of the first three on the outer surface, and returning to their origin by a spiral within that, flowing in the opposite direction--form a caduceus with the first three. Each of the three coarser whorls flattened out, makes a closed circle; each of the seven finer ones, similarly flattened out, makes a closed circle. The forces which flow in them again come from "outside," from a fourth-dimensional space. Each of the finer whorls is formed of seven yet finer ones, set successively at right angles to each other, each finer than its predecessor; these we call spirillae. (Each spirilla is animated by the life-force of a plane, and four are at present normally active, one for each Round. Their activity in an individual may be prematurely forced by yoga practice.)
In the three whorls flow currents of different electricities; the seven whorls vibrate in response to etheric waves of all kinds--to sound, light, heat, etc.; they show the seven colours of the spectrum; give out the seven sounds of the natural scale; respond in a variety of ways to physical vibration--flashing, singing, pulsing bodies, they move incessantly, inconceivably beautiful and brilliant.
The Anu is a sun in miniature in its own universe of the inconceivably minute. Each of the seven whorls is connected with one of the Planetary Logoi so that each Planetary Logos has a direct influence playing on the very matter of which all things are constructed. It may be supposed that the three conveying electricity, a differentiation of Fohat, are related to the Solar Logos.
Force pours into the heart-shaped depression at the top of the Anu, and issues from the point, and is changed in character by its passage; further, force rushes through every spiral and every spirilla, and the changing shades of colour that flash out from the rapidly revolving and vibrating Anu depend on the several activities of the spirals; sometimes one, sometimes another, is thrown into more energetic action, and with the change of activity from one spiral to another the colour changes.
The Anu has--as observed so far--three proper motions, i.e., motions of its own, independent of any imposed upon it from outside. It turns incessantly upon its own axis. spinning like a top; it describes a small circle with its axis, as though the axis of the spinning top moved in a small circle; it has a regular pulsation, a contraction and expansion, like the pulsation of the heart. When a force is brought to bear upon it, it dances up and down, flings itself wildly from side to side, performs the most astonishing and rapid gyrations, but the three fundamental motions incessantly persist. If it be made to vibrate, as a whole, at the rate which gives any one of the seven colours, the whorl belonging to that colour glows out brilliantly.
An electric current brought to bear upon the Anu checks their proper motions, i.e., renders them slower; the Anu exposed to it arrange themselves in parallel lines, and in each line the heart-shaped depression receives the flow, which passes out through the apex into the depression of the next, and so on. The Anu always set themselves to the current. Fig. 4. In all the diagrams the heart-shaped body, exaggerated to show the depression caused by the inflow and the point caused by the outflow, is a single Anu.
The action of electricity opens up ground of large extent, and cannot be dealt with here. Does it act on the Anu themselves, or on molecules, or sometimes on one and sometimes on the other? In soft iron, for instance, are the internal arrangements of the chemical atom forcibly distorted, and do they elastically return to their original relations when released? In steel is the distortion permanent?
It will be understood from the foregoing, that the Anu cannot be said to have a wall of its own, unless these whorls of force can be so designated; its "wall" is the pressed back "space." As said in 1895, of the chemical atom, the force "clears itself a space, pressing back the undifferentiated matter of the plane, and making to itself a whirling wall of this matter." The wall belongs to space, not to the atom.
The sphere-wall of the Anu. Each Anu, as each group of Anu, whether few in number or making a large configuration as in Radium, has round it what has been termed a "sphere-wall". This enclosing sphere is at a great distance from the central group and is generally a sphere; there are a few exceptions as in Nitrogen, an ovoid. When writing out for publication the structure of the Anu, Annie Besant stated that the sphere-wall of the Anu was composed of the "undifferentiated matter of the plane". From the beginning this has created difficulties for me, since the term used by her to describe the sphere-wall could only be composed of Anu. It was only later that a special investigation was made to examine the nature of the sphere-wall of the Anu. Though there were no final conclusions on the matter, it appeared to the investigator as if the sphere-wall was composed of
forces radiating from the centre, which after travelling a certain distance, returned to the Centre. The nature of this radiating force was not analyzed. Therefore, though the sphere-wall appears as a part of the Anu, it is only a temporary phenomenon. It was later discovered that the sphere-walls of Anu within the solar system were all compressed by the attraction of the sun. When so compressed the sphere-wall did not, as expected, have the shape of the dodecahedron, but that of the rhombic dodecahedron.
Paranormal Observations of ORMEs Atomic Structure by Gary
The smallest particles which make up the physical atom are referred to by Leadbeater and Besant as "ultimate physical atoms", since they seem to be the constituent particle from which all the subatomic particles are built up. They have called these "Anu", after the Sanskrit name for the ultimate particles of matter (it is the same root term used in Anima, "the size of an atom"). There are two types of these, termed + a nd -. The Anu "particles" are composed of whirls of energy which spin in opposite senses between the + and - varieties. These whirls of energy, when magnified under increasing power by yogic vision, are themselves composed of smaller spirals, and those of smaller spirals, and so on, down through 7 layers of nesting.
Nested Spirals
The Anu are many orders of magnitude smaller than the subatomic particles, and the subatomic particles are in turn many orders of magnitude smaller than the elemental physical atoms of the periodic chart. The Anu, and more complex particles, all move at enormous velocities, sweeping out the shapes that I am referring to, and the atom is an extremely active thing to see. It is ceaslessly throbbing, pulsating, spinning, gyrating and precessing with amazing rapidity and vigor when so viewed. Not at all like the billiard ball protons and neutrons with the spherical electron shells many would expect to see. But our dashed expectations are our own fault, rather than Nature's. Still, we are better prepared now than at any time before to understand the remaining secrets of atomic structure; we must only recognize that things are far more complex than we have ever previously supposed
Because gold proved to challenging for early observation, only hydrogen, oxygen and nitrogen were reported in the first publication "Occult Chemistry", an article in the Theosophical magazine Lucifer for November, 1895 [reprinted in OC1 pp. xi-xix]. It is notable that this same month marked Röntgen's discovery of x-rays, the tool that would make atoms visible to conventional science. Subsequent observations of all the elements, and then some, would be serialized in The Theosophist and collected in three editions of Occult Chemistry (1909, 1919, 1951).
Columns of the 1895 figure (right) show successive dissection and magnification of Hydrogen (left column), Oxygen (center column), and Nitrogen (right column) from the gaseous state of the entire atom (at the bottom) rising through three intermediate "etherial" levels to a common particle (at the top). "The ultimate physical atom is marked a, and is drawn only once, although it is the same throughout." [OC1 p. xiii]
Later the Occult Chemists would identify this ultimate particle with "anu", the term for the indivisible elementary particle of matter in Jain metaphysics.[1b] The plural of anu is also anu [OC3 p. 4]. It is not to be confused with the atomic mass unit (amu) of conventional science.
As indicated in the lower right corner of the top frames, H contains in all 18 anu, O contains 290 anu, and N contains 261 anu.
They noted the analogy between the anu and "protyle" which had entered Prout's theory of the elements in 1815 and was being reconsidered by Crookes and others in the late 19th Century. [OC1 p. xii]
Prout had thought that all atoms were composed of hydrogen atoms [P3,B6 pp. 82-108]. In 1902 Crookes suggested the ultimate particle might be the electron, discovered by Thomson in 1897 [C3,B6 p. 195]. Having seen the anu directly, the Occult Chemists did not join Crookes, their consultant in many scientific matters, in identifying the electron with the fundamental "protyle". [OC3 pp. 2,6]
Although the Occult Chemists took the name of the anu from ancient Indian metaphysics, they apparently took its form from an American source less than 20 years old.
Quantum Physics in the 19th Century was referred to as Occult Chemistry - Theosophists Leadbeater and Besant entered yogic kundalini awakened states that enabled them to view quantum states of matter, describing in detail the Anu particle, the smallest particle manifested on this plane, further deconstruction of matter is manifest in the ethereal planes only. A century later, technology that allows human eyes to view quantum states of matter scientifically verifies the properties of the Anu particle Leadbeater and Besant described in 'Occult Chemistry', written between 1895 and 1933.
The smallest particles which make up the physical atom are referred to by Leadbeater and Besant as "ultimate physical atoms", since they seem to be the constituent particle from which all the subatomic particles are built up. They have called these "Anu", after the Sanskrit name for the ultimate particles of matter ( it is the same root term used in Anima, "the size of an atom" ) . There are two types of these, termed + and -. The Anu "particles" are composed of whirls of energy which spin in opposite senses between the + and - varieties. These whirls of energy, when magnified under increasing power by yogic vision, are themselves composed of smaller spirals, and those of smaller spirals, and so on, down through 7 layers of nesting.
The Anu are many orders of magnitude smaller than the subatomic particles, and the subatomic particles are in turn many orders of magnitude smaller than the elemental physical atoms of the periodic chart. The Anu, and more complex particles, all move at enormous velocities, sweeping out the shapes that I am referring to, and the atom is an extremely active thing to see. It is ceaslessly throbbing, pulsating, spinning, gyrating and precessing with amazing rapidity and vigor when so viewed. Not at all like the billiard ball protons and neutrons with the spherical electron shells many would expect to see. But our dashed expectations are our own fault, rather than Nature's. Still, we are better prepared now than at any time before to understand the remaining secrets of atomic structure; we must only recognize that things are far more complex than we have ever previously supposed.
Anu (Chaldean) Supreme god of the Babylonian pantheon, king of angels and spirits, ruler of destiny, lord of the city of Erech or Uruk -- later Ur. One of the loftiest of Babylonian divinities, part of a trinity with Enlil and Ea, he was especially the god of heaven, creator of star spirits and of the demons of cold, rain, and darkness. His consort Antum or Anatum was mother of the gods. Anu was the concealed deity; in the Chaldean account of Genesis, he is the passive deity, however, "the primordial chaos, the god time and world at once, chronos, and kosmos, the uncreated matter issued from the one and fundamental principle of all things" (IU 2:423). In later Babylonian history, one of the trinity Anu, Bel, and Ea, associated with the three divisions of the universe: heaven, earth, and the spatial or watery deep. In another aspect, Anu is identical with Sin (the moon). "And the Moon in the Hebrew Kabala is the Argha of the seed of all material life, and is still more closely connected, kabalistically, with Jehovah, who is double-sexed as Anu is. They are both represented in Esotericism and viewed from a dual aspect: male or spiritual, female or material, or Spirit and Matter, the two antagonistic principles" (SD 2:62). In the astrological theology of Babylonia and Assyria, Anu, Bel, and Ea became the northern, middle, and southern zones of the ecliptic respectively. There seems little doubt that the Chaldean Anu and the Sanskrit Anu (atom) are identic in origin. Anu is a title of the formative Brahma who philosophically is often envisaged as the cosmic atom or infinite universe. The mystical significance is the ever-invisible, unreachable divine center -- whether of a being or universe -- which is the divine-spiritual focus of essential consciousness, from which flow forth all the streams of consciousness in its multiform varieties. Anu (Sanskrit) As a noun, an atom of matter; as an adjective, atomic, fine, minute. A title of Brahma, conceived as both infinitesimal and universal, thus pointing to the pantheistic character of divinity. Hence, every Anu is "a centre of potential vitality, with latent intelligence in it" (SD 1:567; cf FSO 273-5, 431). In the Bhagavad-Gita (8:9) Arjuna is enjoined to meditate on the "seer," i.e., the enlightened, omniscient One, who is "more atomic than the atom" (anor aniyamsam) and yet "the supporter of all" (cf VP 1:2, 5:1; ChU 3:14, 3-4, Katha 2:20, MU 3:1, 7). In Jainism the soul is represented as being like an Anu, atomic in size, and seated within the heart, while the jiva (life-monad) is the quickening element that pervades the whole. Besides meaning a particle of substance, Anu also means an atom of time, being equivalent to the 54,675,000th part of a muhurta (48 minutes). Anubis (Greek) Anpu (Egyptian) The Egyptian jackal-headed deity, lord of the Silent Land of the West (the underworld). To him with Thoth was entrusted the psychopompic leading of the dead. In the judgment after death, Anubis tests the balance in the scene of the weighing of the heart. His offices were likewise those of the embalmer, mystically speaking. Originally the god of the underworld, he was later replaced by Osiris. In Heliopolis during the later dynasties he was identified with Horus, for he was often regarded as the son of Osiris and Isis -- more often of Osiris and Nephthys (Neith). Plutarch writes: "By Anubis they understand the horizontal circle, which divides the invisible part of the world, which they call Nephthys, from the visible, to which they give the name of Isis; and as this circle equally touches upon the confines of both light and darkness, it may be looked upon as common to them both . . . Others again are of opinion that by Anubis is meant Time . . . " (On Isis and Osiris, sec 44). The mysteries of Osiris and Isis were revived in Rome, and Apuleius (2nd century) in The Golden Ass tells of the Procession of Isis, in which the dual aspect of Anubis was portrayed: "that messenger between heaven and hell displaying alternately a face black as night, and golden as the day; in his left the caduceus, in his right waving aloft the green palm branch" (Gods of the Egyptians, Budge 2:264-5). In most of his attributes, Anubis is a lunar power, Plutarch connecting him with the Grecian Hecate, one of the names for the moon; and this is further emphasized by his being a guide of the dead. Also identified with Hermes as psychopomp. See also HermAnubis Anugita (Sanskrit) [from Anu after, alongside + gita sung, chanted, song from the verbal root gai to sing, intone] After-song; chapters 16-92 of the Asvamedhika-parvan, 14th book of the Mahabharata that deals with the asvamedha (horse sacrifice) conducted by Yudhishthira, a rite that stems from the Vedic period. Like the Bhagavad-Gita, the Anugita is a discourse between Krishna and Arjuna, an "after-song" in which Krishna gives a fuller unfolding of teaching with many mystical allusions. Anugraha, Anugrahana (Sanskrit) [from Anu-grah to support, uphold, foster, treat kindly] Favor, kindness, promoting or favoring a good object. In the Vishnu-Purana (1:5) applied to the eighth creation (in the Matsya and other Puranas to the fifth creation), the period of formative development "which possesses both the qualities of goodness and darkness." In Sankhya philosophy Anugraha-sarga is the creation or formation of "the feelings or mental conditions." Blavatsky calls the Anugraha creation a blind, "for it refers to a purely mental process: the cognition of the 'ninth' creation, which, in its turn, is an effect, manifesting in the secondary of that which was a 'Creation' in the Primary (Prakrita) Creation. The Eighth, then, called Anugraha (the Pratyayasarga or the intellectual creation of the Sankhyas . . .), is 'that creation of which we have a perception' -- in its esoteric aspect -- and 'to which we give intellectual assent (Anugraha) in contradistinction to organic creation.' It is the correct perception of our relations to the whole range of 'gods' and especially of those we bear to the Kumaras -- the so-called 'Ninth Creation' -- which is in reality an aspect of or reflection of the sixth in our manvantara (the Vaivasvata)" (SD 1:456). All theses various "creations" mentioned in the Puranas represent stages of evolutionary production, following each other in regular serial order, and thus unfolding into manifestation what lay originally latent in the seed out of which these various stages arise. Thus the reference in the Vishnu-Purana, for example, by analogical reasoning can apply either to a universe, solar system, planetary chain, or to the developmental history of earth and its inhabitants. Anukis [Greek from Egyptian Anqet from anq to surround, embrace] Third of the triad of deities of Elephantine, consisting of Khnemu, Sati, and Anqet or Anukis. Her worship was common in northern Nubia, but later centered at Sahal, where her principal temple was situated. At Philae she was identified with Nephthys or Neith, it being common to regard Khnemu as a form of Osiris: hence Sati and Anqet became associated with Isis and Nephthys. However, Anqet is also represented with the disk and horned headdress of Isis and is called the lady of heaven, mistress of all the gods; giver of life and of all power, and of all health and joy of heart. The goddess is also associated with the embracing waters of the Nile, though the root itself shows that she is the embracing and all-surrounding cosmic life as well as it minor functions in manifestation. The ascriptions given to Anukis as the giver of life and of all power associate the goddess with the moon, whether in the cosmogonical or lower generative sense.
God Particle "Discovered"
The head of the European Center for Nuclear Research says its teams have discovered a new particle that is consistent with the Higgs boson -- a subatomic particle considered so significant to the understanding of the universe that it has been called the God particle.
"We have a discovery [that is] consistent with a Higgs boson," Rolf Heuer, director of CERN, the European research center, said Wednesday.
Two independent teams at CERN, the physics lab in the Alps on the French-Swiss border, have now said that they have "observed" the new boson, or subatomic particle. The CERN teams did not outright say that they have discovered the Higgs boson itself, which has been the focus of a 40-plus year pursuit.
The Higgs boson, which was first proposed in the 1960s by the English physicist Peter Higgs, is believed to give all matter in the universe size and shape.
The international effort to find it has used tremendous amounts of energy to crash subatomic particles into one another in giant underground tracks, where they are steered by magnetic fields. Several different experiments have been done by independent teams to ensure accuracy.
Physicists say the Higgs boson would help explain how we, and the rest of the universe, exist. It would explain why the matter created in the Big Bang has mass, and can coalesce. Without it, as CERN explained in a background paper, "the universe would be a very different place ... no ordinary matter as we know it, no chemistry, no biology, and no people."
"The Higgs particle, if it's real, will show itself in different ways. We need for all of them to be consistent before we can say for sure we've seen it," Rob Roser, a physicist at the Department of Energy's Fermilab near Chicago, told said earlier this week. "This is one of the cornerstones of how we understand the universe, and if it's not there, we have to go back and check our assumptions about how the universe exists."
It is believed that Fermilab's atom smasher, called the Tevatron, must have produced thousands of Higgs particles over its life before it was shut down last year after it was overshadowed by CERN's more powerful Large Hadron Collider.
"It's up to us to try to find them in the data we have collected," Luciano Ristori, a physicist at Fermilab and the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics, said in a statement earlier this week.
"We have developed sophisticated simulation and analysis programs to identify Higgs-like patterns. Still, it is easier to look for a friend's face in a sports stadium filled with 100,000 people than to search for a Higgs-like event among trillions of collisions."
Sunday, June 17, 2012
Orgone Energy
Wilhelm Reich and Orgone Energy
Wilhelm Reich was a creative innovative psychiatrist who was born in Austria, left Germany under duress, and later Norway, and finally came to the United States so that he could be free to pursue his inventions and conduct his unconventional psychiatric approach. He was combining it with vigorous bodywork, which went against the accepted non-touch rules that govern psychiatric treatment. This became the forerunner of Rolfing and Heller work, as he observed that body movement accesses deeply buried unconscious knowledge that talk-therapy couldn't reach.
Dr. Reich also did some very original work in microbiology, and did astonishing metaphysical healing through his invention of the orgone accumulator, especially focusing on cancer. He wrote books on sociological issues, denouncing totalitarian thinking, advocating sexual freedom for teenagers, and insisting that birth control and abortion must be made available to every woman. He communicated with extra terrestial beings in flying saucers, could suspend gravity, diffuse nuclear power, control weather, deflect hurricanes, and make it rain or stop raining with his orgone devices. He questioned the basic belief-structures many of us hold, and in fact he challenged the very fabric of society at many levels.
Due to his idealism, innocence and arrogance, and for many other complex reasons, he was eventually confronted by government authorities, who chose to retaliate. In1958 his books were burned, his accumulators were hacked to pieces, and he was put on trial, put in jail, and finally was killed in jail.
Dr. Wilhelm Reich
From the perspective of health and healing, the orgone accumulator remains a very beautiful legacy from this incredible man.
You can make your own orgone devices very easily. You can make little pillows, or large blankets, or build an orgone box big enough to sit in.
"Orgone" is the name that Dr Reich gave to what we usually refer to as Chi, the vital force. He found that orgone energy is attracted to organic materials such as cotton, wool, leather, or silk, and water---and the tissues of living bodies. Upon contact with metal, it is immediately discharged. It occurred to him that if metal and cotton were layered in an alternating sequence, the atmospheric biofield (orgone) that is always present and already interacts with the meridian system, should become increasingly concentrated. He was right. It does, and it is a very congenial natural energy field for the body to receive.
To start with, the first layer of cotton already holds the ambient level of atmospheric orgone in it. If the cotton and steel are stacked in successive layers, as the first layer of cotton comes in contact with the metal, the metal conducts the cotton's ambient charge of orgone into the second layer. The second layer receives it, and this is added to what the second layer already had to start with, so the charge that it now holds is double. With each successive layer the charge accumulates exponentially, and becomes more and more concentrated.
Your car is a depletion of energy because the organic material is inside and the metal is outside, so the flow of energy is away from you. This can cause fatigue and irritability. If you wrap your car in bathtowels this would help to change that effect. But, it would be strange and conspicuous, and would require a lot of explanations that might not sound OK to people who don't understand metaphysical principles.
By the time it builds up through six pairs of alternate layers, the orgone will have accumulated a significant charge, and this can transmit a profound healing effect on the biofield of the body. We suggest a six-fold for people, but animals need much less, they do better with a 2 or 3-fold accumulator. The smaller the animal, the fewer layers are needed. If the animal is very small, like a parasite, the accumulator is likely to overwhelm it altogether. This may be the reason why Reich's accumulators were so efficacious for rheumatoid arthritis, which is usually a parasite-based affliction.
At the Balancing Center we have found that orgone energy pillows are miraculous for burns and injuries of all kinds. They can hasten the healing of broken bones, as well as shorten the healing time of viral flu and bacterial infections, and many other things. The length of exposure varies with the needs of the person. When you have absorbed enough, suddenly you will feel "full." That is when to stop. Otherwise you could overcharge your meridians, and this would cause them to flow backwards, and create imbalances.
To make an orgone accumulator pillow, these are the materials you will need:
1. You will need several packages of steel wool, perhaps a carton of 00-size rolls. As you build up the layers, you will need to keep opening up and unrolling each ball, and spread each one out, but don't let it get too separated or thin, as this is what projects the orgone into the next layer of cotton.
2. Find a thick fabric of a texture and color that you really like, because this is the outside covering that you will see. If you love the way it looks, it will be a delight every time you use it. Put it upside down on a flat surface. This is how you start. Then stretch out some steel wool rolls on top of it.
3. Find a roll of organic cotton batting that you can spread out and put down on top of the steel wool, as the cotton needs to be put between each layer of the steel wool. You may not be able to find cotton, and very likely not organic cotton, as most quilt-batting is polyester these days. That will work too, unless you are sensitive to polyester fabric. You might be able to find some high quality wool from a sheep-shearer, or you could cut up a few cotton terry towels. If the terry towels are new, wash them a few times in order to take out the pesticides and herbicides. Cotton, unless it is organic, is very heavily sprayed. You won't want that vibration to be concentrated into your orgone pillow energy.
4. A thin fabric on top forms the last surface, on top of the last layer of steel wool. This is the surface that goes close to the skin, whereas the thick layer of fabric is on the outside of the pillow, away from the body. If you reverse that, your own energy reserves will be drained from your own biofield and it will seriously weaken you, so be sure that you hold the pillow with the thin fabric toward your body.
Additional advice on how to use this powerful tool: It's better if you don't put your hands on the outside of the pillow to hold it on your body, that sometimes changes the transmission. Just let it rest on the place where you need it. If you lie down on top of it, it won't flow, as it needs to have access to the air to work properly. Take it outside and let it sit in the sun every now and then, to keep it fresh and clean, as the sunshine cleanses negative energies that might have attached to it.
These days you need to check for chemtrails, and if you see a chemtrail in the sky, don't put your pillow out. If you see a white streak across the sky, and especially if you also see another one that crosses it, you are seeing chemtrails that are dropping toxic materials into the atmosphere. Wait until a day when the sky is absolutely clear before you take your pillow outside.
Steel wool is preserved from rusting by an infusion of oil. When your pillow is new, sometimes the oil from the steel wool has an unpleasant smell, so putting it outside for a while will help it to evaporate, to make the oil smell go away.
Major warning: do not use your pillow while watching television or in front of your computer. These energies are in conflict, and will create a negative field that could harm your biofield.Your pillow is best used in a quiet clean place without any electronic or microwave fields around. As you are experiencing the vibrations coming from your pillow, focus on your healing process, and visualize the final result of the good health that you have asked your orgone pillow to help you achieve.
To construct an orgone accumulator box, start with 6 sheets of half-inch 4x4 plywood. (Buy three 4x8 panels that they can cut for you at the lumber company, and ask the cutting person to trim one of the panels half an inch smaller than the others. This one will be for the door.)
At the scrap yard or a sheet metal supplier company, ask for 3 sheets of 4x8 steel, have the man cut them in half, and then on one of them ask him to cut it a half-inch more, so that one is a little smaller. They charge for each cut, but that's OK you need to have it smaller for the door panel.
Then get 4 48" x 3" side-pieces for each panel, and nail them around the edges of each board, so that you now have six large flat open boxes.
For the door, you'll need to cut the outside trim a little so that it will fit the panel that has been cut a little smaller than the rest. The door needs to fit into the other panels, has to have the space for a hinge, and it needs to be able to slide into the front opening between the top and side panels, in order to close properly. Right now it is lying on the ground, all framed out, along with the other panels.
Now start unwrapping and stretching out your steel wool bundles on the bottom of these boxes. Add your cotton batting, or towels, or sheep's wool, then lay down more steel wool, more batting (or towels,) until you come up with the sixth layer of organic material.This will take quite a few boxes of steel wool. Now tack the sheets of 4x4 flat steel on top of the entire stack of cotton and steel wool, for each panel.
Now you have all your panels. You have selected one for the door, so you need to cut a round opening about three inches in diameter into it with a saws-all, and line the opening with a smooth circle of metal or plastic. This will be the source of air from outside.
One panel is the floor. You'll want to attach substantial castors under it to keep it off the ground. Three of the panels form the sides, and one is the top. You can attach them together with big metal corner braces that you can place outside, and then you can screw these corner supports into the boards. The door panel needs strong hinges, and you need to attach a rope to the inside of the door panel so you can pull it shut.
Now find a small wooden chair to put inside. When you sit in this box you will be so comforted and so happy, it is dark and cozy and feels wonderful. You may be able to see the wafting fields of the blue orgone energy as they drift around you. And then, in about ten minutes or so, you'll start to think "Hey, I've got to get out of here!" That means you're done. Get out. Whatever charge your orgone box gave you during that time was the maximum you needed.
If you have a health problem, the time might be longer than ten minutes, but you will know when you are "full." It's not hard to build, but the material might run you into a little money. On the other hand, it will be an amazing resource for you and your family and friends. It will last for years if you protect it from rain, and occasionally open it up on a sunny day to keep it refreshed.
©2010 Bioenergy Balancing Center
Taken From http://balancingcenter.com/orgone.html

Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Edible Computer Chips?
As technology continues to advance at an exponential rate, will we someday find ourselves living in a "scientific dictatorship" where virtually everything that we do, say and think is monitored and controlled by technology? To many of you that may sound like a wild assertion, but just keep reading. Our world is changing faster than ever before, and scientists have some absolutely wild things planned for our future. As you read this, they are feverishly developing edible microchips, cutting edge biometric identity systems, and mind reading computers. Many futurists envision a world where someday nearly all humans are embedded with microchips and have thousands of tiny nanobots living inside of them. The idea is that we can "take control of our own evolution" and use technology to "improve" humanity. But very few of those futurists address the potential downsides. The truth is that all of this technology could one day be used by a totalitarian government to establish a dystopian nightmare where nobody has any liberties and freedoms whatsoever.
The world of tomorrow is not going to be anything like the world of today, and most people have no idea how dramatically the world is changing.
For instance, many people have never even heard of "edible microchips".
Unfortunately, they are not some wild idea that some wacky scientists are hoping to develop in the future.
They are already here, and they are about to be marketed to the public in the UK.
The idea is that these edible microchips will help doctors monitor your health conditions and the medicines that you are taking. The following comes from a recent article in the Daily Mail....
The sensor, which contains no battery, antenna or radio, creates a unique digital signature that is picked up and recorded by a patch attached to the patient's shoulder.
The patch, which also monitors bodily functions such as heart rate and temperature, sends this encrypted information to blue-tooth enabled smartphones or computers owned by the patient and their doctors and carers.
In this way, both patients and their doctors can work out exactly which pills have been taken. Medics can also interpret whether the patient is sleeping well, or taking enough exercise using the information transmitted from the patch.
But could such edible microchips be used for more nefarious purposes in the future?
Of course.
And scientists are developing many other new ways for you to be tracked by technology as well.
For example, do you remember in the movie "Minority Report" how Tom Cruise had to cover his eyes because he was being tracked by them wherever he went?
Well, it won't be too long before that becomes a reality in our world.
IBM is aggressively developing new biometric identity systems that could significantly change the way that we live our lives. The following is from a recent IBM press release....
You will no longer need to create, track or remember multiple passwords for various log-ins. Imagine you will be able to walk up to an ATM machine to securely withdraw money by simply speaking your name or looking into a tiny sensor that can recognize the unique patterns in the retina of your eye. Or by doing the same, you can check your account balance on your mobile phone or tablet.
Each person has a unique biological identity and behind all that is data. Biometric data – facial definitions, retinal scans and voice files – will be composited through software to build your DNA unique online password.
Referred to as multi-factor biometrics, smarter systems will be able to use this information in real-time to make sure whenever someone is attempting to access your information, it matches your unique biometric profile and the attempt is authorized.
When biometric identity systems become widespread enough, authorities will pretty much know where you are and what you are doing at all times.
But even more frightening is something else that IBM is developing right now. IBM scientists are actually working really hard to develop mind reading computers. The idea is that someday we will all be able to control various electronic devices simply by using our thoughts....
IBM scientists are among those researching how to link your brain to your devices, such as a computer or a smartphone. If you just need to think about calling someone, it happens. Or you can control the cursor on a computer screen just by thinking about where you want to move it.
Scientists in the field of bioinformatics have designed headsets with advanced sensors to read electrical brain activity that can recognize facial expressions, excitement and concentration levels, and thoughts of a person without them physically taking any actions.
But IBM is not the only one working on mind reading technology.
Several video game makers have been attempting to develop games that you control not with a joystick or a gamepad but rather with your brain waves.
This all sound fascinating, but could such technology someday be adapted for other purposes?
Instead of us controlling the electronic devices that we connect our brains to, could they instead be used to control us someday?
Being more "connected" is not necessarily a good thing.
People have been looking for ways to stay more "connected" to the Internet for a long time, and many futurists are now suggesting that we should find a way to directly connect our brains to the Internet. An article on the website of the Science Channel put it this way....
What if it were possible to connect your brain to the Internet, either wirelessly or through a cable, download digital information at high speed, and then translate it automatically into a chemical form that could be stored by your brain cells as memory?
The same article explained what some of the benefits from such a connection might be....
If you could pump data directly into your gray matter at, say, 50 mbps — the top speed offered by one major U.S. internet service provider — you’d be able to read a 500-page book in just under two-tenths of a second.
But wouldn't this be potentially dangerous?
If we found a way to connect our brains to the Internet 100% of the time, couldn't someone potentially "download" damaging programs or "viruses" directly into our heads?
That is something to think about.
A British researcher named Mark Gasson infected an RFID chip in his hand with a computer virus and found that the virus-infected chip implanted in his hand was able to contaminate external systems.
So wouldn't the danger be far greater if we connected our brains directly to the Internet?
I don't know about you, but I don't plan on ever connecting my brain directly to the Internet and I don't plan on ever letting anyone put an RFID chip inside of me either.
Unfortunately, the use of implantable RFID chips in humans and animals is rapidly spreading. A lot of employers now require that their employees take them for identification purposes. Some cities in the U.S. are actually making it mandatory to put microchips into your pets.
Increasingly, RFID implants are being injected into thousands of elderly Americans living with Alzheimer's disease who are at risk of wandering off and getting lost. In addition, RFID chips are being implanted into many people who are chronically ill so that doctors can access their medical information quickly in an emergency.
And many companies are working hard to make it even easier to implant RFID chips into humans and animals.
In fact, one company called Somark has developed a stunning breakthrough in chipless RFID ink. Their "RFID tattoos" are applied using a geometric array of micro-needles and a reusable applicator.
Somark says that it is incredibly easy to apply one of these RFID tattoos. They say that it only takes about 5 to 10 seconds to tattoo an animal or a human. Once the tattoo has been applied, an RFID reader can read it from up to four feet away.
Frightening stuff.
But some say that there might be an even easier way than that to keep track of everybody in the future.
IBM is actually working on a "bar code reader" that can read your DNA. The following is from a Fox News article about this project....
The DNA Transistor is a project from IBM Research that aims to advance personalized medicine, by making it simpler (and much cheaper) to read an individual's unique DNA sequence — the special combination of proteins that makes you unlike anyone else.
The technology isn't finished yet, but its potential is tantalizin enough that IBM wanted to share it with the world. And the company claims researchers are making progress.
Essentially a bar code reader for genes, the DNA Transistor is part technique and part device. It consists of a 3-nanometer wide hole, known as a nanopore, in a silicon microchip. A sensor in the pore can read DNA and determine its unique makeup.
Our world is changing at a mind blowing pace right now.
The decisions that are made now are going to have a dramatic affect on how the future plays out.
That is why so many of us are speaking out about how the government is watching us and about how our liberties and our freedoms are being taken away.
If we don't stand up for freedom and liberty right now, our children may one day wake up in a world where they are so controlled by technology that they are unable to do so.
Right now we are not too far away from the kind of world that authors such as George Orwell once warned about. This article will conclude with a quote from his famous work 1984....
"It was terribly dangerous to let your thoughts wander when you were in any public place or within range of a telescreen. The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself--anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide. In any case, to wear an improper expression on your face...; was itself a punishable offense. There was even a word for it in Newspeak: facecrime..."
The mobile phone prototype feels a bit like a neoprene ruler and winds around the arm comfortably to resemble a bulky watch.
Once perfected, the flexible phone should be waterproof, have two screens that can be joined to produce one, make movies, give the wearer access to the internet and, of course, be able to make phone calls.
The polymer is also biodegradable, so once discarded the phone should break down to organic matter.
Called the Tag, it has been in development at NEC Design's headquarters in Tokyo since 1999 and is getting awfully close to reality.
The phone is part of NEC Design's Resonantware range, which includes a personal music player that uses tiny radio frequency identification chips that can be eaten once they are used and a pen-style gadget that's a phone, virtual keyboard, projector, camera scanner and personal ID chip.
Eat your heart out, James Bond.
If edible technology and wearable mobile phones sound more fiction than fact, it might be worth noting that less than 20 years ago the few personal mobile phones on sale weighed 900 grams.
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Compare that with one of the latest NEC camera phones on the Chinese market: a credit-card sized creation of less than 70 grams and touted as the world's smallest phone.
When it comes to technology, the future has always been hard to predict. Even Microsoft's Bill Gates has occasionally got it wrong: in 1994 he famously said he could see little commercial potential for the internet for at least 10 years.
The optimistic creators of cartoon The Jetsons set it in the 21st century. By their predictions, we should be flying rather than driving by now.
That said, just why anyone would want to eat a gel-covered computer chip remains to be seen, but NEC Design director Akira Sakai said designers conducted exhaustive interviews with a wide cross-section of people before money and effort were poured into projects. Sakai was confident almost anything was possible in technology with enough time and money.
Just why anyone would want to eat a gel-covered computer chip remains to be seen.
NEC Design is an independent company established in 1972 and has a market capitalisation of $50 million.
NEC Corporation is its sole shareholder and biggest customer. The company focuses on creating products that gadget enthusiasts will cherish.
But all this is at least five years down the track and the research and development aspect of these concept items is still being worked through.
In the nearer future, NEC Corporation's $2.4 billion research and development unit has produced, and in some cases is using in-house, new technology including personal tracking devices. Expenditure on research and development for NEC equals about 5 per cent of annual sales.
At the Wireless Japan 2004 Exhibition last week, NEC displayed mobile phones that could be used as an electronic ticket serving as a movie pass, bank card or membership card, and a Star Trek-like interpreter that will translate and speak either from American English to Japanese, or vice versa.
Civil libertarians may find some of NEC's other creations more disconcerting. Described as a location and presence solution for a broadband office, one device features a key-ring-like tag used to track workers around the building. NEC is pitching the "location management" device at hospitals, which could keep track of doctors and nurses.
Some of these technologies may reach Australia in a year or so, but some may never arrive. What is confirmed is the continued roll-out of third-generation-capable telephones in Australia. Two entry-level 3G-capable phones from NEC are scheduled for Australian launch before Christmas.
Hutchison Telecoms, which owns Australia's only 3G-capable network, said even entry-level 3G phones were far more capable in terms of the net and video streaming than any of the GSM and 2G phones on the Australian market.
NEC expects global demand for GSM and 2G or 2.5G telephones to start dropping by 2007, while the 3G phones take off. Maybe The Jetsons was on track after all; it may only be a matter of time before our cars take to the skies.
- West Australian
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