"Feathered Snake". One of the major deities of the Aztec, Toltecs, and
other Middle American peoples. He is the creator sky-god and wise
legislator. He organized the original cosmos and participated in the
creation and destruction of various world periods. Quetzalcoatl ruled
the fifth world cycle and created the humans of that cycle. The story
goes that he descended to Mictlan, the underworld, and gathered the
bones of the human beings of the previous epochs. Upon his return, he
sprinkled his own blood upon these bones and fashioned thus the humans
of the new era. He is also a god of the wind (the wind-god Ehecatl is one of his forms), as well as a water-god and fertility-god.
He is regarded as a son of the virgin goddess Coatlicue and as the twin brother of Xolotl. As the bringer of culture he introduced agriculture (maize) and the calendar and is the patron of the arts and the crafts.
In one myth the god allowed himself to be seduced by Tezcatlipoca, but
threw himself on a funeral pyre out of remorse. After his death his
heart became the morning-star, and is as such identified with the god
Tlahuizcalpantecuhtli. In dualistic Toltec religion, the opposing deity,
Tezcatlipoca ("Smoking Mirror"), a god of the night, had reputedly
driven Quetzalcoatl into exile. According to yet another tradition he
left on a raft of snakes over the sea. In any case, Quetzalcoatl,
described as light-skinned and bearded, would return in a certain year.
Thus, when the Spanish conqueror Hernán Cortés appeared in 1519, the
Aztec king, Montezuma II, was easily convinced that Cortés was in fact
the returning god.
The Aztec later made him a symbol of death and resurrection and a patron
of priests. The higher priests were called Quetzalcoatl too. The god
has a great affinity with the priest-king Topiltzin Ce Acatl
Quetzalcoatl, who ruled the Toltecs in Tula in the 10th century. The
cult of Quetzalcoatl was widespread in Teotihuacan (ca. 50km northeast
of Mexico City), Tula (or Tullán, capitol of the Toltecs in middle
Mexico), Xochilco, Cholula, Tenochtitlan (the current Mexico City), and
Chichen Itza.
A Omnipresent view of spirituality, science, mythology & biology with an Omnipotent dose of reality!
Tuesday, December 31, 2013
Tuesday, December 10, 2013
Friday, November 29, 2013
Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Saturday, September 7, 2013
Tuesday, September 3, 2013
Monday, August 26, 2013
Monday, August 19, 2013
Friday, August 16, 2013
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Thursday, August 8, 2013
Monday, August 5, 2013
Sun-Man and the Rulers of the Sun
The legend of Sun-Man Continues...
His magical melanin skin gave him unequalled, unlimited and special super strength. Sun-Man's skin could not be cut, burned, bruised, broken, pierced, stabbed, ripped or removed.
So Pig-Head the evil wart, was plotting to smoke-out Sun-Man. He wanted to see if he could weaken Sun-Man's powerful skin through the smoke from the drugs Pig-Head had just cooked up.
But Sun-Man flies free, protecting the right for the Galaxy-Trefixa to exist in peace. His rap is clear:
"Pig-Head listen, you're bad luck. You won't win, so just give up. Sun-Man is on the scene to stay. My good powers shall rule all the way!
The battle has just Begun...
His magical melanin skin gave him unequalled, unlimited and special super strength. Sun-Man's skin could not be cut, burned, bruised, broken, pierced, stabbed, ripped or removed.
So Pig-Head the evil wart, was plotting to smoke-out Sun-Man. He wanted to see if he could weaken Sun-Man's powerful skin through the smoke from the drugs Pig-Head had just cooked up.
But Sun-Man flies free, protecting the right for the Galaxy-Trefixa to exist in peace. His rap is clear:
"Pig-Head listen, you're bad luck. You won't win, so just give up. Sun-Man is on the scene to stay. My good powers shall rule all the way!
The battle has just Begun...
Friday, August 2, 2013
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Movies to watch "Iron Sky"
The film opens in 2018 with an American manned landing mission to the Moon.
The lander carries two astronauts, one of them an Afro-American male
model, James Washington, specifically chosen to aid the President of the
United States in her re-election (various "Black to the Moon" word-play
posters are seen in the film, extolling the new Moon landing).
Upon landing on the far side of the Moon they encounter Nazis hidden there since 1945 (self-styled the 'Fourth Reich' in dialogue), by whom Washington is taken captive and the other astronaut killed. Nazi scientist Doktor Richter investigates Washington and obtains his mobile telephone, of which he later recognizes that its computing power outstrips all that possessed by the 'Fourth Reich', enabling its use as a control unit of space battleship Götterdämmerung. When he strives to demonstrate the completion of his Wunderwaffe to the current Führer, Wolfgang Kortzfleisch, the telephone's battery is exhausted. Unable to reënergize it, Nazi commander Klaus Adler, chosen for genetic reasons to mate with Earth specialist Renate Richter (Doktor Richter's daughter), embarks in a flying saucer spacecraft to collect more such computers on Earth, taking with him Washington, earlier given a Caucasoid complexion by Richter. Upon landing they find that Renate has traveled with them in secret. They are introduced to the President of the United States by her assistant Vivian Wagner (played by Peta Sergeant); whereafter they direct her re-election campaign. At the time, Richter is unaware of Adler's ambition to become the next Führer and rule the world. After three months, Kortzfleisch lands on Earth and confronts Adler, but is killed by Adler and Vivian. Adler declares himself the new Führer before returning to orbit in Kortzfleisch's flying saucer. Concurrently, Renate Richter is persuaded by the now homeless Washington that Adler intends genocide.
The United Nations assembles to discuss the extraterrestrial Nazi threat, and the American President appoints Vivian Wagner (deserted by Adler) as commander of the spacecraft U.S.S. George W. Bush, which carries nuclear and directed-energy weapons; only to discover that most of the other nations have similarly equipped their spacecraft, which they despatch against the Nazi fleet. Adler, commanding the Götterdämmerung, destroys parts of the Moon to expose Earth. Richter and Washington travel in Adler's flying saucer to the Götterdämmerung, where Washington attempts to disable the engines while Richter seeks Adler. Meanwhile, the international space fleet damage the Nazis' base and approach the Götterdämmerung itself. During the battle, Washington disconnects the tablet-computer installed to control the Götterdämmerung while Richter overcomes Adler.
The U.S. President congratulates Wagner from the U.N. session; whereupon Wagner discloses that presence of large tanks of helium-3 on the Moon, of which the U.S. president immediately assumes sole claim on grounds that its possession ensures a millennium-long supply of energy. This enrages another U.N. member (cameo appearance by Claus Wilcke), who incites all U.N. members to a fistfight. This in turn provokes the spacecraft of various nations to destroy each other.
Richter re-unites with Washington (who has regained his natural skin, previously made "Aryan-like" by Doktor Richter by using an "albinism serum") in the damaged base, before a group of refugees whom Richter assures "[they] have a lotta work cut out for [them]". The final moments of the film show the Earth, apparently during an international nuclear war. At the very end of the credits, the planet Mars is revealed with an artificial satellite of undetermined origin in orbit.
Upon landing on the far side of the Moon they encounter Nazis hidden there since 1945 (self-styled the 'Fourth Reich' in dialogue), by whom Washington is taken captive and the other astronaut killed. Nazi scientist Doktor Richter investigates Washington and obtains his mobile telephone, of which he later recognizes that its computing power outstrips all that possessed by the 'Fourth Reich', enabling its use as a control unit of space battleship Götterdämmerung. When he strives to demonstrate the completion of his Wunderwaffe to the current Führer, Wolfgang Kortzfleisch, the telephone's battery is exhausted. Unable to reënergize it, Nazi commander Klaus Adler, chosen for genetic reasons to mate with Earth specialist Renate Richter (Doktor Richter's daughter), embarks in a flying saucer spacecraft to collect more such computers on Earth, taking with him Washington, earlier given a Caucasoid complexion by Richter. Upon landing they find that Renate has traveled with them in secret. They are introduced to the President of the United States by her assistant Vivian Wagner (played by Peta Sergeant); whereafter they direct her re-election campaign. At the time, Richter is unaware of Adler's ambition to become the next Führer and rule the world. After three months, Kortzfleisch lands on Earth and confronts Adler, but is killed by Adler and Vivian. Adler declares himself the new Führer before returning to orbit in Kortzfleisch's flying saucer. Concurrently, Renate Richter is persuaded by the now homeless Washington that Adler intends genocide.
The United Nations assembles to discuss the extraterrestrial Nazi threat, and the American President appoints Vivian Wagner (deserted by Adler) as commander of the spacecraft U.S.S. George W. Bush, which carries nuclear and directed-energy weapons; only to discover that most of the other nations have similarly equipped their spacecraft, which they despatch against the Nazi fleet. Adler, commanding the Götterdämmerung, destroys parts of the Moon to expose Earth. Richter and Washington travel in Adler's flying saucer to the Götterdämmerung, where Washington attempts to disable the engines while Richter seeks Adler. Meanwhile, the international space fleet damage the Nazis' base and approach the Götterdämmerung itself. During the battle, Washington disconnects the tablet-computer installed to control the Götterdämmerung while Richter overcomes Adler.
The U.S. President congratulates Wagner from the U.N. session; whereupon Wagner discloses that presence of large tanks of helium-3 on the Moon, of which the U.S. president immediately assumes sole claim on grounds that its possession ensures a millennium-long supply of energy. This enrages another U.N. member (cameo appearance by Claus Wilcke), who incites all U.N. members to a fistfight. This in turn provokes the spacecraft of various nations to destroy each other.
Richter re-unites with Washington (who has regained his natural skin, previously made "Aryan-like" by Doktor Richter by using an "albinism serum") in the damaged base, before a group of refugees whom Richter assures "[they] have a lotta work cut out for [them]". The final moments of the film show the Earth, apparently during an international nuclear war. At the very end of the credits, the planet Mars is revealed with an artificial satellite of undetermined origin in orbit.
Monday, July 22, 2013
Wow Amazing Water & Sound Experiment!
Wow Look What Happens When You Run Water Through a 24hz Sine Wave!!
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
Monday, July 8, 2013
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Sunday, June 23, 2013
Thursday, June 13, 2013
Friday, May 31, 2013
Thursday, May 16, 2013
Monday, May 13, 2013
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Wednesday, May 1, 2013
Sunday, April 14, 2013
Chakras And Noble Gases

Helium (He) Helium has the smallest size and the least atomic weight of the inert gases. This is symbolic on the subtle levels of the inter connectivity between many beings as the collective unconscious is stimulated and brought into a state of coordination. There is a significant relief of insomnia from using Helium and this is one of the key indications of when to use Helium rather than the other gases. Helium has some anti-viral properties as well as assisting release of negativity that is accumulated during the day. It is quite useful when wishing to connect to the Earth and can be valuable in the birthing process. It is the most mutable of the gases, existing not only on the physical level but able to shift into other planes of existence as well. Helium is the main substance that is used by our sun in the stepping down process of higher vibrational realities into a more 3-dimensional base. There is an increase in life force in the presence of Helium. Drinking water charged by Helium creates very interesting effects. People report a lift - like an energy boost. Helium moves through the blood and opens up the Crown Chakra. Fantastic results with a number of cases of previously incurable migraines or insomnia.
Neon (Ne) The primary use of neon is to stimulate the root chakra and connect it to other energy sources providing a deeper connection to Earth and fuller awareness of the material portion of their existence. The root chakra is the lower energy centre relating to the reproductive or digestive system. Neon will generally bring more energy into the physical body and can assist individuals who are attempting to lose weight and wish to understand more about the lessons involved. This makes it easier to stick to a diet and to grasp what is involved in changing one’s body image to match an internal image. Energies associated with the need to sometimes protect oneself from others may become more visible. As one becomes stronger and more aware of earth energy, there is less need for such protection. The grounding effects of Neon can be used to antidote unwanted psychic energies or bring one back into the body when one wishes. Any negative thought form dealing with sexual issues or issues of survival would be assisted by Neon. Extremely helpful for digestion and energies that have to do with the Root Chakra. Has a grounding effect by the bringing up of energy, particularly from the Earth or in the lower part of the subtle bodies, into the Base Chakra.
Argon (Ar) Argon is the most plentiful of the inert gases in the Earth’s atmosphere and this is its signature. It symbolizes the transition energies that are now important for Earth. The Argon energy can be slightly stimulating over time and is the most valuable gas for most individuals; its base is energy. Argon can provide a general boost in inner strength and a deeper awareness of the power chakra or solar plexus area. Mankind is moving through an important condition of dramatic change and dealing with the power centre in individuals is of tremendous importance at this time. There will be an awareness of what you have learned in the world; how this is influenced by love and the emotions in the first and second chakras and how this is applied in your life. This is the level from which Argon is working. Argon can be used by anyone with no side effects and many beneficial ones. It can release thought forms that have stood in the way of bringing more energy into the physical body and is recommended for dealing with powerfully entrenched negative attitudes, blockages at the conscious level and psychological patterns that one wishes to change. Argon can increase the coordination of the mental body and spiritual body in working in concert with the aetheric body. Argon has a powerful use in negative thought form destruction. The most powerful natural antidepressant available today. Harmonize relationships at home and at work.
Krypton (Ke) Krypton can stimulate many psychic gifts in people which can be quite dramatic. It will supply just the right push for people to reach the full potential of their somewhat dormant abilities. In addition, Krypton can make one more aware of negative thought forms derived from past-life energies, which tend to be mysterious.Once brought into awareness these energies can be more easily dealt with and released. These mysterious qualities are symbolized by the combination of astrological influences concerning the planets Neptune and Uranus. The signature of Krypton derives from its ability to bridge between the Argon and Xenon levels. Xenon is representative of very high and powerful energies most utilized throughout the galaxy; while Argon is representative of the human life-stream and of the Earth. Krypton can clear confused mental states by bringing brainwaves into greater synchronization which can provide an improvement in memory function and a balancing of the right and left brain. Krypton seems to improve psychic abilities. People who use it regularly will notice things happening in the Third Eye. It balances what is happening at a psychic level with the conscious level.
Xenon (Xe) Xenon can provide a deeper awareness of the collective consciousness of humans and is in fact the very stuff that consciousness is made of. The release of this inherently beneficial raw material gives your own aetheric fluidium greater strength; there will be stimulation of the crown chakra, a higher-self connection to many aspects of one’s life and a deeper soul awareness of one’s soul connection to Source. This stimulation of the crown can develop a deeper attunement to spiritual principals and a greater facility for working appropriately with psychic gifts. While most other planets with atmospheres have a greater concentration of Xenon, much of it was removed from the Earth’s atmosphere in the past for the purpose of deliberate life-shortening and the cessation of most of Xenon’s natural regenerative capabilities in humans. Xenon’s main signature has to do with counteracting the detrimental effect that the sun has on the aetheric bodies of all beings within this solar system and stimulate regeneration. For those wishing to work with the regenerative principal, Xenon can be an immense help when combined with deep, clear and focused visualizations. This is the Inert Noble gas to use for manifestation and understanding of the higher dimensional realms. Crown Chakra opening. Xenon is most useful for regeneration. The aethirc field is comprised of xenon gas. Xenon can be mixed with various other gases to focus on particular parts of the body. Special
Inert Gas Combinations Attributes
Consciousness (10% Argon-10% Krypton-80% Xenon) The third eye (also known as the inner eye) is a mystical and esoteric concept referring in part to the ajna (brow) chakra in certain Eastern and Western spiritual traditions. It is also spoken of as the gate that leads within to inner realms and spaces of higher consciousness. In New Age spirituality, the third eye may alternately symbolize a state of enlightenment or the evocation of mental images having deeply personal spiritual or psychological significance. The third eye is often associated with visions, clairvoyance (which includes the ability to observe chakras and auras), precognition, and out-of-body experiences, and people who have allegedly developed the capacity to utilize their third eyes are sometimes known as seers. Please refer to the individual aspects of each gas to recognize the full attributes.
Vitality (18% Helium-36% Neon-46% Xenon) This mixture can assist individuals as they grow older by working with the powerful thought forms associated with the re-generative function in human beings. It can also be used for the shift in the early teenage years with sexual awakening. It helps to connect awareness of the early physical aspects with higher consciousness, which helps promote vitality. It is recommended to use it while sleeping. It may be utilized in the VAHS or any of the Sacred Scalar devices to shift thought forms around aging and illness, and promote healing. Please refer to the individual aspects of each gas to recognize the full attributes.
Stability (65% Xenon-25% Argon-10% Neon) This combination is useful for the cleansing or calming of emotions; as well as for finding healthier emotional stamina, stability and emotional strength. The primary use of Neon (Ne) is to stimulate the root chakra and connect it to other energy sources. Neon brings more energy into the physical body and provides a sense of connection to the Earth; while Argon provides the transition energies that are now important for Earth. Include Xenon to give your aetheric fluidium greater strength and generate crown chakra stimulation to gain awareness of one’s life and a deeper soul awareness to experience direct soul connection to Source. Please refer to the individual aspects of each gas to recognize the full attributes.
The atoms themselves reflect this same harmonic structure of the "Law of Seven". The electrons orbiting around the nucleus of each atom always fall into a specific orbital "shell" or exact distance from the nucleus. Electrons can only orbit at these exact distances from the nucleus and no closer - no farther away. Only a certain number of electrons can occupy each of these "shells" - 2 electrons in the first shell, the second shell : 8, the third : 13, the fourth : 32 and so on in an esoteric mathematical sequence called "double squares" (2x1 = 1st shell of 2 electrons, 2x2 = 2nd shell 8 electrons, 2x3 = 3rd shell, 18 electrons, etc.) Outside of the Law Of Seven arrangement of the elements in the periodic table are the elements of the "O" group : The Noble Gases. These are the 6 elements which each have a perfect inner harmony of structure where the number of electrons exactly fill each orbital shell so that the atom as a whole has no need to combine with any other atom to attempt to attain a perfectly stable configuration (Helium, Neon, Argon, Krypton, Xenon and Radon). I believe that there is a missing Noble Gas which would satisfy the missing Law of Seven symmetry for a total of seven noble gasses - I'll explain in a minute why. Actually, all the other elements in the periodic table are attempting to conform their own configurations to mimic the stable Noble Gasses configuration and the only way they can do this is to share electrons with other atoms.
This process ends up forming all the natural compounds we see which make up everything in our material world. Experiments have shown that each noble gas has an affinity for each of the seven Chakras except the Crown Chakra (why I think there is a missing Noble Gas !). By placing each Noble Gas in a thin cylindrical container wound with a spiral electrical coil, it is possible to create a Noble Gas Beam by passing an electrical current through the coil. This is the reason I have determined that there is a missing Noble Gas of extremely high resonance and atomic weight which does not occur in nature, but can only be consciously made by us. I also believe that each of the Noble Gasses are naturally distilled out of the associated activity of conscious effort associated with the inner awakening of the energy form associated with each Chakra - therefore we each manufacture our own Noble Gasses with moments of awareness associated with the opening of each Chakra. Moments of the perception of myself existing harmonize all of the Chakras and release a mix of all the noble gasses in a harmonious mixture which has an effect on those people in one's presence at that time. This is indeed one of the research projects I have proposed and have begun feasibility studies on here at the California Institute for Human Science - to study the effect of the Noble Gasses on each Chakra and also study the effect of certain states of consciousness on each Chakra and the release of noble gasses. Since we have the Copper, Electromagnetically Shielded Room here to work with, we can scientifically measure the photon emissions from each Chakra and determine it's relative balance and whether it responds to certain treatments. In my experiments these treatments will be sound, Noble Gases and states of consciousness. In a classic physics "thought experiment", based on the predictions which the mathematics prove happens, called the "Schrodinger Cat Paradox" (after famous physicist Max Schrodinger) we see how reality depends on consciousness to manifest reality at a quantum level. A cat is placed in a box with a bottle of cyanide with a hammer suspended above it. A lid is placed on the box. The box is shakened. The cat is then either dead or alive due to the hammer dropping or not dropping and breaking the bottle of cyanide. According to the physics mathematics, the cat exists in a twilight state of living/dead cat until consciousness arrives on the scene to observe which event took place. Actually, according to the mathematics, the one of these two possibilities "pops" into existence the moment observation takes place. In the real world, the cat in the box is the next moment from now - with an infinite number of possibilities for the next moment. All of these possibilities exist as a potential to be what the next moment will manifest, but non will take place until consciousness arrives on the scene of this next moment to observe.
From a standpoint of quantum physics, the root level of reality is an infinite field of energy vibration. This field of energy exists as a possibility to be an infinite number of things, but nothing manifested as yet. This pure field of infinite possibility does not become manifest as anything until consciousness arrives on the scene to observe which possibility is going to "Pop" into existence. When consciousness arrives on the scene, it mixes with this pure energy field and one of the infinite possibilities "pops" into existence. The question is "what determines which of these infinite possibilities is going to be the one which gets to "pop" into existence?". The answer is : When consciousness arrives on the scene to observe, it brings with it an expectation of what it thinks is going to happen. This expectation gives that particular possibility a special significance over all the other possibilities in the infinite field of energy. The universe is an ecological system always looking for the path of least resistance to conserve energy. This expectation of a certain possibility by consciousness, creates this path of least resistance for the possibility we are expecting to happen - this is why this particular possibility "pops" into existence instead of any of the others. The next moment from now holds an infinite number of possible outcomes for my own life to flow into. As I arrive at this next moment, I have the possibility of controlling my expectation of what the next moment will bring as an experience, therefore I have the possibility of controlling which reality will "pop" into existence for me from moment to moment. EYE control my own reality moment by moment when I am in a certain conscious state.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
Montezuma Montu..(Revenge Comming Soon!)

Monday, March 25, 2013
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Monday, March 18, 2013
Sunday, March 17, 2013
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Saturday, March 2, 2013
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Tuesday, February 12, 2013
Monday, February 11, 2013
Wednesday, February 6, 2013
FBI Kidnaps Malcolm Shabazz!
Tuesday, January 29, 2013
Monday, January 28, 2013
Tuesday, January 15, 2013
Thursday, January 3, 2013
Chrystomellos Black Christ
Bobby Hemmitt
There’s a word chrystomellos, which means the Black Christ. The Rosicrucian came in… it was a big word in the Rosicrucians. They literally came in and took this word. They can come together in a consensus and say we are going to take this word out of the English language, take it out of the French language, and take it out of the existing languages of world domination. Basically they can just come and retire a word and get rid of it-omit it. Chrystomellos, it means apple in certain mythologies. Chrystomellos, they retired this word, which means the black Christ. Chrystomellos is born out of star material. I’ll give you documentation of this stuff. Just came from the State University of New York within the last three years. There are putting out all kinds of stuff like (for example) Pastor Dudley Randolph who was a soothsayer a mystical man from Abraham Lincoln’s (time)
(He) is the father of this esoteric teaching in America and abroad. And all these people ramshackled (him) and stole all of his papers and a lot of these esoteric societies came from this guy Pastor Dudley Randoff. The State University of New York just put out this book recently. You get the word Chrystomellos you also get the Golden Fleece. (The Golden Fleece) is nothing but melanin. People get in a boat and go to a strange land to get this fleece that was stolen. And there is a book called "The Golden Fleece and Alchemy", by Antoine Faivre. And you get the words Jason and the Argonauts. Jason has to go and take the best heroes to get the Golden Fleece. You get the word Jason: July, Aug, Sept, Oct, and Nov. That is still the rising of Sirius because Jason is known as Sirius. Robert Temple’s book "Sirius Mystery" locates that article in the (the Golden Fleece) that Jason is Sirius. That is also in this book by the State University of New York cost you near 17 dollars, but it’s got the power in it. They have the paperback. It’s gone down now that they have made a couple of dollars off of it. But in that book the word is restored Chrystomellos from at least 200 years when they took it out of the English language because it says the Black Christ. As we (know) the whole side of Yoruba that was taken down to Puerto Rico and Brazil, Polymanome. People don’t know about it, (it’s called) the Congo rites and in there is a god called El Christo Negro. It’s the chief god of the Polymanome, El Christo Negro, (we) know as the black Christ. Chrystomellos is also the word Christ it is nothing but a form of melanin. You also get the word melozines. You get a lot of stuff in Jung’s work his book "Psychology and Alchemy". It’s several books "Psychology and Alchemy", "Alchemical Studies", the "Mysterium Conjunctionis". You get the word melazines, it’s this dark substance that has something to do with water. Another word that means melanin in alchemy is nigredo, black substance, blacking stage. (There are) several books (one is called) "The Modern Alchemist". There is another word called melanosis, gnosis meaning knowledge, black knowledge. Melanosis it was in an alchemical text brought up by the moors (and) it ended up being omitted. You’ll find a lot of this stuff up in the Jung books. You get all 4 or 5 volumes; you got to get "Aion" by Jung. These are quintessential books: "Aion", "Psychology and Alchemy", "Alchemical Studies", "Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious" and one called the "Mysterium Conjunctionis". These are major books where Jung took all this stuff into the Jung society, and there (are) tons of stuff on melanin up in there. (They have) words like nigrum nigrius nigro, (black blacker than black), black substance. I said what the hell. Nigrum nigrius nigro. They have whole Jung societies- the archetypes of the Collective Unconscious, very key.
All this stuff was outlawed by the Roman government and now you got to call it religion, and that’s why you can’t learn nothing cause you scared of your own self(God), Melanin.
They omitted what you call spiritual alchemy lining up the melanin and just focused on turning base metals into gold. So that’s all you hear about alchemy is (somebody) turning base metals into gold. But that is the secondary process. The original process was to turn the base metals inside you to gold. And that gold represented your crown chakra, your aura and all these metals inside you and that is the process of illumination of (melanin) metals.
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