

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The frequency of the human body

I don't want to ask this question in a New Age metaphysical type of way so please don't interpret it as such. What frequency does the human body run at?

Does this question make sense or is it too broad?

I will try to fire off a frew seperate examples of what I mean so that the question is more answerable.

1) Human Brain - neuroscientists find a range of a few Hz to 20 plus Hz. We've all heard the terms Alpha waves, Beta waves, Delta waves and Theta waves to describe the different brain states. What is this measurement of exactly, in a physical sense?

2) Membrane Potentials - we all know they govern tons of biological transport systems, like the classic ion channels where ions of CL-, Na+, K+ pass through membrane channels that have voltage potentials. Does it make sense to ask what frequency these work at?

3) Heart Beat - Clearly this can be measured in Hz. If your heart beats 120 bpm, its beating at 2Hz.

4) Your skin - Human's are constantly radiates thermal radiation off their skin's surface, I'm guessing a frequency of ~1000Hz.

5) Vision - The human brain processes visual images at ~60Hz in brightly lit conditions.

So those examples are a few that I could think of off hand. Personally, of the 5 I'd choose Vision as the best fit for an answer when someone asks what frequency the human body runs at. It bothers me that so many unchecked people use 'frequency' to describe mystical things, in a sort of intellectual cop out. Ok, rant over, but seriously is there a better measure of the human body's frequency than vision?
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