Our minds are also quantum-measuring devices. Our thoughts produce electromagnetic waves that have the ability to induce electrical impulses in neurons. This is how our thoughts or consciousness translates into nerve impulses that puts us into action. This conscious electromagnetic field (CEM-field) is transferred throughout the body by the oscillations carried through the cerebral spinal fluid and the interconnected crystalline structure that makes up the body holographic. Our cells respond and entrain to our CEM-field by adjusting their quantum-measuring apparatuses to select that which conforms to our conscious or sub-conscious expectations.
Disease can therefore be seen as the result of the cell's distorted quantum perspective. Electrons become misplaced in protein molecules and metabolic processes become derailed as a result. Changes in cellular metabolism can set off a whole cascade of mutations. Because the cell's monitoring of the quantum field is constant we must move in and out of superposition trillions of times per second. This explains how schizophrenics can move in and out of different personalities with completely different states of physical health from one instant to another. It also explains how chickens deprived of calcium intake can produce eggs with complete shells containing healthy levels of calcium.3 Calcium after all is only a molecule made up of protons and electrons. In the quantum world of infinite possibilities there is no difference between a calcium electron and any other electron. The chickens know (intend) that their eggs are made of calcium so they produce calcium rich eggs whether or not they have adequate supplies of dietary calcium.
Yogis that have reached high states of consciousness and are able to perform miracles are also able to tap into the quantum world. What is a higher state of consciousness but the merging into the state of infinite possibilities?
Holographic Repatterning is a quantum tool. It allows us to break the pattern of our cellular consciousness that repeatedly reaches into the quantum realm only to continuously bring back the same old low energy state in our relationships or physical health. The HR modalities change the vibration of information frequencies at the cellular level. Once the intention has shifted our cellular quantum-measuring apparatus will manifest new and exciting realities from the quantum world of infinite possibilities.
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